
Star Kitten Helmet

Helmet manufactured by 樱日集团

StarKitty Pink Helmet.jpg
Star Kitten Helmet
ClassificationMedium armor
Manufacturer樱日集团 (SASU)
Main setInquisitor
Production stateActive for Star Citizen Alpha 3.13.0
Environment protection
Temperature-63 / 93 °C
Damage resistance

Star Kitten Helmet is a Star Kitten themed non-purchasable helmet, currently only available in loot containers.

Genady Kuzo's Star Kitten cartoon premiered in 2932 and became a classic. To celebrate the series, the creators teamed with 樱日集团 and Kastak Arms to make three unique armor sets inspired by the show’s characters. Sakura Sun designed the helmet, featuring integrated accent lights highlighting their silhouette, to pair with the Kastak Arms armor. Available in three colors, they offer reliable protection while embracing the character’s exuberance for adventure.[1]

Armor components

Set name Undersuit Helmet Core Arms Legs
Inquisitor Stoneskin Undersuit Star Kitten Helmet Inquisitor Core Inquisitor Arms Inquisitor Legs
Morningstar Helmet

Product description

"Celebrate your love of Genady Kuzo's classic Star Kitten cartoon with this commemorative helmet from Sakura Sun. The custom molding for this medium helmet faithful recreates the show's icon character design without sacrificing its defensive capabilities. Integrated accent lights provide pops of color and highlight the helmet's unique silhouette. The pink Star Kitten helmet is sure to be a collectible among fans of the show and unusual armor enthusiasts."


Special editions

Image Name Description
StarKitty Pink Helmet.jpg
"Star Kitten" The pink Star Kitten helmet is sure to be a collectible among fans of the show and unusual armor enthusiasts. This version of the helmet, along with a matching armor set, was handed out to both Imperator and Centurion Subscribers in April 2021. It was also put on the Subscriber Store to purchase retro-actively for $9.21 USD.[3]
StarKitty White Helmet.jpg
"Sally" The Star Kitten Sally edition is white to look like the show's good-natured main character. This version of the helmet, along with a matching armor set, was handed out to only Centurion Subscribers in April 2021. It was also put on the Subscriber Store to purchase retro-actively for $9.21 USD.[3]
StarKitty Black Helmet.jpg
"Damon" The Star Kitten Damon edition is primarily black to look like Sally's close friend who constantly tempts her to join his mischievous adventures. This version of the helmet, along with a matching armor set, was not handed out, but only put on the Subscriber Store for $9.21 USD.[3]


  • Before its release in game, this helmet was not accessible by players, but was occasionally spotted being worn by developers in certain PTU builds.[4][5]
  • This page was previously named "DustUp Helmet Star Kitten Custom". This was an item name found in the data of game builds previous to Star Citizen Alpha 3.13.0 (and still shows up in 3.13). It is assumed that it was a placeholder name used for development purposes. Once they settled with the permanent names and released them to Subscribers, the page was renamed to the current version.
  • The game data marks this as a helmet made by Sakura Sun, but the description mentions both them and Kastak Arms in equal contributions.


StarKitty Pink Helmet.jpg
StarKitty White Helmet.jpg
StarKitty Black Helmet.jpg


  1. Ben Lesnick. "Subscriber flair promotion". Jump Point. Vol. 9 no. 3. pp.38. Retrieved 2021-03-28.
  2. Alpha 3.13.0 global.ini item description
  3. Imgur album with images of it spotted in-game
  4. Reddit post with an image of the helmet spotted in-game
