
imported>T19eR2022年4月21日 (四) 17:56的版本

历史时间线 是一个会被长时间编辑的页面,旨在成为“星际公民”宇宙中所有故事设定的详细档案的门户。 每个世纪中著名的历史事件都会被强调。如果想查看完整的历史事件列表,请访问每个世纪的专属页面。除非特别说明,文中的年份都使用标准地球时间。一个希安年约等于1.28标准地球年。[1]

目前的年份是2954,是现实中的时间加上930年。 42中队 的故事发生在2945年。


直到公元前一年 著名的事件

公元前300,000年 └─ 哈迪斯星系内的三颗行星之间发生了一次毁灭性的内战。这次内战可能导致了哈迪斯物种的灭绝。哈迪斯IV分裂成了两半,哈迪斯I大气层被剥离。哈迪斯人使用的战争武器在整个星系内造成了灾难性的破坏,但是这场灾难还需要很久很久的时间才会被其他生命发现。[缺乏引证][2]
20,044 BCE 希安内战大分裂爆发。[3]
19,770 BCE The Great Divide ends with the sabotage of antique weather satellites in orbit above the original Xi'an homeworld, triggering a chain reaction which destroys the planet's atmosphere, rendering it uninhabitable, and killing millions.[3]
19,668 BCE The 希安 reset their calendar to I.0 in the aftermath of the Great Divide.[3]
10,000 BCE Dawn of 人类 Civilization on 地球[缺乏引证]. By this point Humanity is aware of the Sun, Moon and Venus.
4000 BCE Shanghai first settled.
1900 BCE First recorded observation of 火星 by Sumerian astronomers.
1300 BCE First recorded observation of Mercury by Assyrian astronomers.
700 BCE First recorded observations of Jupiter and Saturn by Babylonian astronomers.

4th Century

301 - 400 | Notable events

351 Beginning of the Spirit Wars, a series of interconnected conflicts between the Xi'an and Kr'thak.

9th Century

801 - 900 | Notable events

878 The Second Imperial Age of the Xi'an empire begins with the rise of Empress Y.ah’a se Xy.ō.

12th Century

1101 - 1200 | Notable events

1147 (before) Moscow founded.

14th Century

1301 - 1400 | Notable events

1305 Beginning of The Dark at the end of the Xi'an Second Imperial Age, when the Xi'an had no ruling house due to the destruction caused by the 星灵之战.[4]
1342 End of the Xi'an / Kr'thak 星灵之战.[5]

15th Century

1401 - 1500 | Notable events

1457 └─ July 4th - The 希安 officially enter their Third Imperial Age by elevating U.e'o se Kr.ē to the position of Empress, ending The Dark.[6]

16th Century

1501 - 1600 | Notable events

1522 └─ September 6th -Juan Sebastian Elcano first circumnavigates 地球.


1601 - 1700 | 重要事件

1610 └─ 1月7日 - 伽利略·伽利雷发现了木卫三伽倪墨得斯和木卫四卡里斯托 └─ 1月8日 - 伽利略·伽利雷发现了木卫一伊奥。伽利略·伽利雷和西门·马里乌斯就木卫二欧罗巴的发现展开了激烈地辩论。
1624 纽约成为北美洲的第一个定居点。
1655 └─ 克里斯蒂安·惠更斯发现了土星环 └─ 3月25日 - 克里斯蒂安·惠更斯发现了土卫六泰坦
1671 10月25日 - 乔凡尼·多美尼科·卡西尼发现土卫八伊阿珀托斯
1672 12月23日 - 乔凡尼·多美尼科·卡西尼发现了土卫五利亚
1684 3月21日 - 乔凡尼·多美尼科·卡西尼发现了土卫三狄俄涅和土卫四忒堤斯忒堤斯。
1690 十月 - 约翰·弗拉姆斯蒂德发现了天王星

18th Century

1701 - 1800 | Notable events

1787 January 11th - Oberon and Titania discovered by William Herschel.

19th Century

1801 - 1900 | Notable events

1801 January 1st - The first known and largest Herschel Belt asteroid - Ceres - discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi.
1837 July 18th - Vasil Levski is born in Karlovo, Ottoman Bulgaria.
1846 September 23rd - Neptune discovered by Johann Galle and Urbain Le Verrier.
1851 October 24th - Ariel and Umbriel discovered by William Lassell.
1870 Vasil Levski founds the "International Revolutionary Organisation".
1873 February 18th - Vasil Levski is executed by hanging in Sofia, Ottoman Bulgaria.
1877 └─ August 12th - Deimos discovered by Asaph Hall III. └─ August 18th - Phobos discovered by Asaph Hall III.

20th Century

1901 - 2000 | Notable events

1930 February 18th - Pluto discovered by Clyde Tombaugh.
1948 February 16th - Miranda discovered by Gerard Kuiper.
1959 September 13th - The Soviet Luna-2 Space Probe becomes the first manmade object to reach the surface of Luna, impacting east of Mare Imbrium.
1961 April 12th - Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first 人类 to reach space, and first to complete an orbit of 地球.
1966 March 1st - The Soviet Venera-3 Space Probe crash-lands, becoming the first manmade object to reach the surface of Venus.
1969 July 16th - American Neil Armstrong becomes the first Human to visit Luna, and subsequently the first to visit a foreign astronomical object.
1971 November 27th - The Soviet Mars-2 Lander becomes the first manmade object to reach the surface of 火星, although it fails during descent.
1977 March 10th - Rings of Uranus discovered by James Elliot, Edward Dunham and Jessica Mink.
1978 June 22nd - Charon discovered by James Christy.
1979 Jovian Rings discovered by NASA's Voyager 1 probe.
1984 July 22nd - Rings of Neptune discovered by Patrice Bouchet, Reinhold Häfner and Jean Manfroid.
1992 August 30th - Kuiper Belt discovered by David Jewitt and Jane Luu.

21st Century

2001 - 2100 | Notable events

2003 September 21 - NASA's Galileo probe enters the atmosphere of Jupiter, becoming the first manmade object on the planet.
2005 January 14th - ESA's Huygens probe lands on the surface of Titan, becoming the first manmade object on the moon and first landing in the outer solar system.
2015 April 30th - NASA's MESSENGER probe crashes into the surface of Mercury, becoming the first manmade object on the planet.
2017 September 15th - The NASA/JPL operated Cassini probe passes through the Rings of Saturn and enters the atmosphere of Saturn, becoming the first manmade object to do both.
2038 罗伯茨太空工业 founded by Chris Roberts.
2044 "Lemming Car" AI incident occurs in Tokyo.[7]
2075 May 3rd - Dr. Scott Childress and his team at complete the first self-sustaining quantum drive engine, capable of achieving 1/100th the speed of light.[8]

22nd Century

2101 - 2200 | Notable events

2113 April 21st - 罗伯茨太空工业 patents terraforming technology.[9]
2120 First attempt to terraform 火星 begins. Port Renatus' city center marks the first landing point and basecamp.[缺乏引证]
2125 04:38 EST - The Mars Tragedy kills 4,876 workers during the final terraforming stages of 火星.[10]
2136 June 23 - During one of its live test flights, the hull of an RSI Zeus prototype rips apart upon leaving 地球's atmosphere, completely destroying the ship and killing its test pilot.[11]
2137 March 19, 15:09 SET - Renowned test pilot Michelle "Sal" Saleno concludes the first successful test flight of the RSI Zeus.[11]
2140 The first commercially available starship is released - the RSI Zeus short-range explorer.[缺乏引证]
2157 └─ March 18th - 火星 declared to have been successfully terraformed. A memorial is built to honor those killed in the Great Mars Tragedy.[12] Kinah Okon goes into labor at the ceremony.[缺乏引证] └─ March 19th, 01:28 - Abeni Okon, the first extraterrestrial human, is born at the Port Renatus infirmary on 火星.[缺乏引证][13]

23rd Century

2201 - 2300 | Notable events

23rd Century 星灵之战 begin between 希安帝国 and 科萨克. Still ongoing today.[缺乏引证]
2214 A new version of the RSI engine is released,[14] allowing travel up to 1/10th the speed of light. More ships now exploring the 太阳系.
2232 Launch of humanity's first interstellar starship, Artemis, towards GJ 667Cc.[15] Captain, crew and thousands of volunteer colonists are placed in stasis for the flight. Abeni Okon is a guest of honor at the launch. Ultimately the ship disappears.[缺乏引证]
2243 The Human company 南船座宇航 is founded by Alana Redmond in Sol.[16]
2252 September 12th - Abeni Okon dies aged 95, and is later buried on 火星.[17]
2262 A series of ships inexplicably disappear in the same area of space. Drawing comparisons to the Bermuda Triangle, the government declares the Neso Triangle a no-fly zone. There is much more myth and conjecture about why this happens than there are hard facts. The Goodman was one such ship. In August of 2262 it had departed on a supply run to a station in orbit around Neptune but never arrived.[缺乏引证]
2271 After almost 10 years of study, Nick Croshaw discovers the first 跳跃点 within the Neso Triangle and becomes the first human to travel to another star system, Croshaw, becoming the godfather of the modern NavJumpers.[18]
2279 Adaliz Dayan, a Human terraforming engineer credited with the discovery of the Banshee system, is born.[19]
2281 A committee appointed by the World Summit, a gathering of 地球's leaders, finally takes control of expansion into the Croshaw System. The Croshaw Expansion Committee is chaired by Clarence Ludwig.[缺乏引证]
2292 Tarsus Electronics is founded by Selma Tontil.[缺乏引证]

24th Century

2301 - 2400 | Notable events

2317 Banshee System discovered.[20]
2362 Contested date of actual discovery of the Nemo System.[缺乏引证]
2364 └─ Nemo System officially discovered.[缺乏引证] └─ NemoCo purchases all Fora-based terraforming platforms from Tadmor at a steep discount.[缺乏引证]
2365 Centauri System discovered. Bids for Centauri III go on the market almost immediately.[缺乏引证]
2380 Croshaw System has been terraformed. The search for new jump points signifies the beginning of 人类ity's expansion to the stars, a period known as the Human Colonial Expansion Era. 地球's social and political differences are set aside. Humans are united in their desire to strike out into the stars. The World Summit ends with a historic announcement that creates the 地球联合国 (UNE). .[21]
Between 2365, 2438 Davien System discovered.[缺乏引证]
Between 2365, 2499 UNE(地球联合国) military mission established in Davien IV's orbit. This station would later become the Banu Friendship Museum.[缺乏引证]

25th Century

2401 - 2500 | Notable events

2410 Shubin Interstellar founded.[缺乏引证]
2412 Funding for 远星计划 begins, with the intention to expand the 地球联合帝国's borders out from the Virgil system by prioritizing exploration and terraforming efforts in this direction. Ultimately, the project leads to the discovery and colonization of Terra, Tiber, and 猎户座.[22]
2438 └─ June 12th, 3:13 - 人类ity makes first contact with an alien species, the 巴努, in Davien.[23] └─ October - General Neal Socolovich and delegates negotiate the first interstellar peace and trade treaty with the 巴努.[24]
2441 Bremen System discovered.[缺乏引证]
2449 Corel System discovered.[缺乏引证]
Mid 25th Century Cathcart System discovered by Adelaide Lorris, who names system after Marshall Cathcart.[缺乏引证]
2459 The Angeli-based Spectrum network Angeli On Air begins airing in Croshaw II. It broacasts shows created by people born on Angeli, usually ones with a community or cultural focus.[25]
2460 └─ Through expansion and terraforming, there are vast amounts of land and territory for humanity to move to. 地球 is overcrowded, so more and more people are leaving to stake their claim out in the universe.[缺乏引证] └─ Ferron System discovered.[缺乏引证]
2464 Marshall Cathcart kills Adelaide Lorris.[缺乏引证]
2466 Arial Hurston, the third CEO of Human weapons manufacturer 赫斯顿动力 is born.[26]
2480 └─ The children's tale A Gift for Baba is released by Fatima Reynolds-Malik.[27] └─ Aciedo Shipworks founded. The company would eventually rename themselves to Aciedo CommRelay in 2485, going on to develop the ubiquitous relay towers used to transmit communications and navigational data throughout developed space.[28]
Late 25th Century Charon System discovered.[缺乏引证]

26th Century

2501 - 2600 | Notable events

Early 26th Century └─ Charon III and Cestulus (Davien II) terraformed.[缺乏引证] └─ Human weapons manufacturer Amon & Reese Co. is founded.[29]
Between 2500, 2533 Idris System discovered by the exploration vessel Ika'Roa.[缺乏引证]
26th Century Radegast bar built in Port Renatus, 火星.[缺乏引证]
2508 Terra System discovered. Exploration continues until 2516.[缺乏引证]
2511 The first show of Showdown, created and moderated by Upsana Dixit made its debut.
2515 Hades System discovered by the crew of the Merry Crow, but not declared.[缺乏引证]
2516 The UNE(地球联合国) has expanded into twelve systems. While jump-points and data relays allow for quicker travel, to the systems on the edge, 地球 is starting to feel quite far away. Settlement established on the planet Terra, the third planet in the system of the same name.[缺乏引证]
2519 Messer-era military veteran Adam Corr is born.[30]
2520 Astravin University's flagship campus, Astravin University at Cestulus (AUC) opens in Jata on Cestulus (Davien II).[31]
2522 Baker System discovered.[缺乏引证]
2523 └─ 70% of humans live off-world. They feel that they deserve equal representation in UNE(地球联合国) proceedings. The government changes form once again, becoming the 地球行星联合国 (UPE). The new government will be run by a tribunal; a High-Secretary (responsible for maintaining the infrastructure), High-General (responsible for expansion and protection), and a High-Advocate (responsible for maintaining the law).[32] └─ The 地球联合帝国督导局 is formed; an inter-system police force serving the United Empire of Earth (UEE).[33]
2328 Horus System officially discovered by Marie Sante who names the system after her ship, however legend claims that the system was actually discovered several years earlier by fourteen-year-old Sante after she stole a ship to flee her family in Gonn. Horus becomes the only system to have been discovered and have all of its celestial bodies charted by the same person.[缺乏引证]
2529 └─ Riots occur in Jata, Cestulus.[缺乏引证] └─ Ferron System achieves represented status within the UPE(地球行星联合国 ).[缺乏引证]
2530 └─ Discovery of the 希安帝国. Humanity stumbles into their territory and are about to start terraforming. High-General Volder receives criticism for being too aggressive, while there is muscle flexing and threats from both sides. A cold war of sorts begins, with occasional casualties, but not full-on open conflict.[34] └─ As public and private interests establish operations in Horus, Marie Sante sticks to its outer reaches, singularly focused on the areas she has yet to explore.[缺乏引证] └─ End of the Human Colonial Expansion Era.
2532 Human ship manufacturer 圣盾动力 is founded.[35]
2533 Idris IV certified by the UPE(地球行星联合国 ) registry as a Recommended Growth Center. The planet enjoys a rapid population infusion and is on track to be one of the bright spots in the UPE(地球行星联合国 ).[缺乏引证]
2534 Jake Tapps, sole survivor of the Merry Crow sells the ship's logbooks to the Dynamo Corporation. The Dynamo Corporation charts and officially registers the Hades System.[缺乏引证]
2537 Arial Hurston, the third CEO of Human weapons manufacturer 赫斯顿动力, passes away.[26]
2541 November 15th - Dr. Kellar Lench witnesses 塔维因 civilization for the first time on Kaleeth while discovering the Elysium System.[36]
2542 └─ Idris IV captured by the 塔维因. The planet suffers a series of orbital bombardments. This marks the start of the 第一次塔维因战争. Though most of the population flee before the Tevarin finally take the planet, a few hundred stay. Rachel Locke, a local with no military training, organizes the survivors for increasingly daring strikes to disrupt the Tevarin occupiers. The group become known as The Greys.[缺乏引证] └─ Marie Sante discovers the jump from Horus to the Rihlah System. This makes Horus a security risk for the UPE(地球行星联合国 ). The government closes the system to non-military personnel, receiving little resistance from the small group of civilians that have begun to settle on the fledgling planet of Serling. Only Sante defies the order. She hides in the system's outer reaches and manages to remain undetected.[缺乏引证]
Between 2542, 2545-10-01 A Navy pilot in Horus reports an unauthorized ship in his sector. A battle group is mobilized only to realize that the ship was Marie Sante's. With the false alarm wasting many hours and credits, the military prioritize pushing Sante out of the system.[缺乏引证]
2544 └─ Operation Nemesis - UPE(地球行星联合国 ) forces attempt to take back Idris IV. The Greys provide groundside intelligence for the attack. This operation goes down in history as the Battle of Idris IV.[缺乏引证]

Colonel Ivar Messer, a brilliant and ruthless strategist, distinguishes himself in the Battle of Idris IV. He quickly becomes the pride of the military and the face of the War.[缺乏引证]

└─ Castra System discovered.[缺乏引证]
2545 October 1st - Final entry of Marie Sante's journals (recovered sometime before 2617). She expresses her belief that Horus has more secrets to uncover. No further record of Sante is found.[缺乏引证]
2546 └─ A series of bombings occur within the United Planets of Earth (UPE), which would come to be known as the Atrocity at Jata. Then-High General Ivar Messer uses the attacks to stoke public fervor to support the creation of the office of Prime Citizen, to which he was shortly elected.[37] └─ Ivar Messer, now promoted to commander, brings the captured 塔维因 leader to the UPE(地球行星联合国 ) floor. 第一次塔维因战争 ends. He rides the popularity of his victory to become High-General. Claiming the Tribunal is an outdated system and cultivating a fear of the 希安, Messer proposes the creation of a new single office with the title of Prime Citizen. Upon election as the first (and last) Prime Citizen, it isn't long before he restructures the government into the new 地球联合帝国 (UEE) and annoints himself 地球联合帝国皇帝, ushering in an age of unprecedented expansion and colonization - The Messer Era.[缺乏引证] └─ Idris IV is officially recognized. The Governors Council name the planet after famous freedom fighter Rachel Locke.[缺乏引证]
2554 The Behring consortium is founded on Terra, a combination of several dozen smaller research and development firms.[缺乏引证]
2558 Ozell Kruger founds 克鲁格星际 on 博瑞雅.[缺乏引证]
2578 └─ Artist Aaron Fring is born.[38] └─ The first Orbital Utility Craft, produced by Argo, rolls off the assembly line.
2584 The Human governor Assan Kieren is born.[39]
2587 Cano System discovered along with Carteyna's first landing zones.[缺乏引证]
Late 26th Century Castra - Oya 跳跃点 discovered.[缺乏引证]

27th Century

2601 - 2700 | Notable events

27th Century └─ Hennowism art style is favored at this time. [缺乏引证] └─ Origins of the traditional Navy shanty Guardians of the Jump. [缺乏引证]
2603 └─ Beginning of the 第二次塔维因战争. Repopulated after hiding on the Fringe, the 塔维因 have spent the last fifty years building their forces for the sole purpose of retaking their homeworld Kaleeth (renamed/resettled by the UEE as Elysium IV. [缺乏引证] └─ Under the leadership of de facto Governor Arcturus Koerner, the major landholders on Rytif band together to form the Bremen Milling, Processing & Farming Association, more commonly and simply known as Bremen Mills, the company that would later become 泰拉磨坊. [缺乏引证]
2610 June 24th - Realizing that they can't win, the 塔维因 decide to make a final desperate push to scuttle their ships on Elysium IV. If they can't live there, they will die there. 第二次塔维因战争 ends.[缺乏引证]

Aaron Fring paints Tears of Fire depicting the fleet burning up.[38]

On or shortly after 2610 The 塔维因 abandon their religion in a climatic period known as The Purge. During this time most of the Tevarin destroy their Codices, which were the holy writs of Rijora. [缺乏引证]
2617 UEEN Lieutenants Ahmad Harar and Carl Dyson discover a gravitational anomaly while patrolling the Horus System and become the first 人类s to visit the Kayfa System, unwittingly also stumbling on the Xi'an. They were subsequently captured and interrogated. They were released 3 days later with instructions that any further 地球联合帝国 vessels would be shot on sight. This sets the tension felt throughout the Xi'an Cold War. [缺乏引证]
2633 Tears of Fire is inducted into the archive at the UPE(地球行星联合国 ) Historical Vault for Antiquity. [缺乏引证]
2638 Senator Assan Kieren of Terra publicly decries the pro-military agenda of the 地球联合帝国 and its unconditional support of the military-industrial complex. He calls for another vote of sovereignty for Terra and its adjacent systems. Imperator Messer XI wields the UEE's brutally efficient propaganda machine to discredit and destroy Kieren, who disappears soon after. There are rumors that he is murdered, but nothing can be proven.[缺乏引证]
2640 Grain market crashes. Rytif and Bremen Mills fall on hard times. Population of Bremen begins to dwindle. [缺乏引证]
2659 Roberts Space Industries releases the

series of spacecraft.[40]

2665 Terragra, Inc founded on Terra. [缺乏引证]
2678 Kwame Jones writes The Heart of Horus. [缺乏引证]
2681 First contact with the 剜度氏族 when they attack the Dell Township.[41]

Weeks later, there is a second attack - a small raiding party consisting of a dozen fighters and 收割者(地面) ships. Despite the overwhelming defense force waiting for them, the Vanduul attack without hesitation. [缺乏引证]

Between 2681, 2697 Sporadic 剜度氏族 attacks in Orion System. [缺乏引证]

Imperator Illyana Messer VI uses the Vanduul attacks as a convenient tool to help remind the populace why they need the 地球联合帝国皇帝's protection. [缺乏引证]

2687 └─ ArcCorp is founded in a Stor-All Hangar by a group of friends as a deep-space exploration consortium. The company aims to use their lone Zeus IV spacecraft to locate and catalog jump points for 地球联合帝国 bounty money. Pooling credits, the quartet of friends begin the process of exploring the universe. [缺乏引证] └─ Human hangar manufacturer Aeroview is founded by Arthur Nassir.[42]
2697 Imperator Illyana Messer VI names her youngest son, Samuel, as her successor. [缺乏引证]

Imperator Samuel Messer VII is more interested in using his newfound power to torment an already subjugated population into further submission than dealing with the 剜度氏族 threat. [缺乏引证]

Late 27th Century A study conducted by the University of Mentor shows that on average Ergo's residents live longer than residents of other worlds, and use words like "peaceful" and "tranquil" to describe the planet. [缺乏引证]


2701 - 2800 | 重要事件

2700 不莱梅磨坊坐拥里提夫星上最多的农业资产,并且自身从一间协会改组成为了一间公司。通过将生产流程进一步优化与标准化,似乎这间公司的翻身之日即将到来。
2701 地球联合帝国 (UEE) 皇帝阿斯特里德·梅塞尔七世 ,被上一任皇帝之子塞缪尔的特工暗杀。[43]
28世纪早期 └─ 弧光集团 业务重心从探索转移至采矿业。成功拿下了近期发现的星球的采矿权。 └─ 俄里翁星系的情况有所改变。 阿米塔奇星成为那些渴望与敌人一较高下的士兵、雇佣兵与飞行员的中转站。商店开始收购剜度科技(更极端的一些地方还会收购剜度尸体)来助长这颗星球上日益增长的杀戮渴望。出现了不少搜寻剜度猎物的狩猎小队。
2712 2月16日 └─ 18:38 - 最后一通平民通讯从阿米塔奇星上发出。不久后,剜度舰队大举入侵俄里翁星系。入侵部队规模前所未见。一艘艘主力舰接连不断地抵达俄里翁,用毁灭性的武器对当地大肆开火。俄里翁之战就此打响。 └─ UEE海军紧急组织了防御行动,但通常驻派在该星系的航母正好被派去了卡利班星系镇压政治激进分子们日益增长的运动,只留下了三艘驱逐舰与数艘护卫舰迎战剜度的猛攻。当地居民与军队联合抗敌,并派出了探子快马加鞭回去警告舰队。 └─ 阿米塔奇星上的战线拉扯三天三日,各路人士不断赶来驰援。在第一波攻势中损失惨重的海军开始逐步将剜度舰队赶回跳跃点,海军陆战队则在星球表面与敌人奋力争抢每一寸土地。 2月19日 └─ 此后被称作王船的飞船第一次被目击出现在UEE境内。这艘长度近乎 3000 米的外星飞船比战场上所有剩余海军船只加起来还要大。代表着胜利希望、奋战在人类最前线的船只来不及掉转航向,在王船的首次攻击中灰飞烟灭。 └─ 据史料记载,此后发生的一切是一场屠杀。剩余海军力量溃逃至台博尔星系,希望能组织起防御阵线阻止剜度的进一步攻势。 阿米塔奇星上剩下的人都落入了剜度之手。 └─ 梅塞尔王朝在 150 多年来首次遭遇重大军事挫败。这次战败的新闻与不可阻挡的恐怖敌人,让帝国全境人心惶惶,大家都惊恐地揣测着它们的下一次攻击会在何时发起。然而剜度并无意进一步入侵,王船在这个星系内逗留了一年,该剜度氏族从星球上获取所需的资源后,便撤回了剜度星域。
2715 - 2788 梅塞尔军事政权陷入停滞期。虽然平民百姓屈服于政府的淫威,但底层文化还是充满了反抗与破坏。人们开始注意到体制逐渐崩坏的漏洞。激进组织开始对政治宣传机器发起攻击。军队身兼数职、运转乏力;不仅要准备好与希安之间的冷战随时爆发、驱赶剜度袭击者,还要负责人类星系内部的安保。皇帝的权力已经摇摇欲坠。
2716 └─ 斯塔弗德大灾难. └─ Terragra, Inc.|泰拉格拉公司的零食普拉利斯逐渐在帝国中风靡起来。各地的商店与空间站都希望能够进到货。泰拉格拉找不到足够便宜的小麦供给来扩大生产。泰拉格拉公司向不莱梅磨坊提供资金重建被毁的设施,换取股票份额。 └─ 康奈利·里夫斯上将向最高统帅部发表演讲。 └─ 夏季 -由泰拉格拉公司与不莱梅磨坊合资创办的泰拉磨坊在里提夫星成立总部。泰拉磨坊扩大了产量,将普拉利斯带给了全帝国内翘首以盼的粉丝们。
2717 俄里翁之战的幸存者创办了人类公司阿米塔奇[44]
2731 爱娃·杜根的祖父母在马格努斯星系的博瑞雅创办了一间独立勘探与采矿公司。
2749 起源跃动在德国科隆正式注册成立。在企业的首个十年中,他们的业务是制造为UEE军队,以及为罗伯茨太空工业和圣盾动力的星际游艇所用的高质量核融合引擎。在创办后的两个世纪中,起源与地球一直保持着紧密的联系。
2750 卡斯卡特星系聚集了相当数量的海盗。
28世纪中期 └─ 弧光集团与地球化改造巨头BCK开始有生意来往。弧光集团的业务已经不仅局限于矿区开采权,并且开始经营星球上的定居点。地球化改造项目不再吃香后,弧光收购了BCK,将它们用来塑造现代太空的整个企业框架纳入了旗下。 └─ 卡斯卡特的海军飞行员发现了海盗要塞 蜘蛛.
2751 └─ UEE将主要造船厂从博瑞雅迁移至麦克阿瑟​. └─ 克鲁格星际借此机会收购了闲置在Borea的房产与设备来扩大公司业务。CEO 阿提奥姆·占西里表示公司将留守在该星系,并且通过多家贸易出版物表示,所有部件将一直是“马格努斯制造”。
2757 December 3rd - Anthony Tanaka's famous refusal. The event is later commemorated by a statue in 列夫斯基, with Remembrance Day being established in his honor.[45]
2759 起源跃动生产了一款排在畅销前五的中型复合飞船。
2760 圣盾动力发售复仇者系列多用途战机[46]
2772 铁砧航天J·哈里斯·阿诺德负责地球化改造的新基辅成立。
2783 圣盾动力的朱莉叶·莫平主导报复者改进项目 。
2785 海盗袭击了一个从马格努斯出发、载满克鲁格生产的RSI部件的运输船队。由于RSI供给链受到影响,克鲁格最重要的合作关系危在旦夕。
2789 └─ 不愿开战的泰拉参议员泰伦斯·阿卡利 大胆藐视权威,与年轻的希安皇帝克雷单方面签署了和平条约。泰拉谴责地球奉行帝国主义、目光短浅。希安希望利用这个机会在人类帝国内制造分裂。 └─ 5月29日 - 参议员阿卡利召开参议院紧急会议,趁着皇帝在格斯星系度假的机会,向参议员展示了和平条约并当即发起投票。这个条约投票通过。 └─ 为了展现诚意,希安从佩里线星系撤走了所有军力。 └─ 皇帝 梅塞尔十一世拒绝签署和平条约。 └─ 为表明诚意,UEE减少了在 卡斯塔星系的军事活动。并且在两个世纪的严防死守后,UEE首次允许平民进入该星系,甚至还将大部分军事设施改为民用。 └─ 克鲁格星际借此机会搬迁至谢尔曼,违背了当初许下的“留守博瑞雅”的诺言。
2790 安东尼·田中之死让民众中的激进分子进一步转变为军事行动的革命家。梅塞尔十一世深知留给自己的时日不多,必须创造一些战术优势,也就是更大更好的枪炮。UEE军队高层西尔万·埃文斯招募了朱莉叶·莫平来研发一个秘密项目,为梅塞尔政府制造强力与先进的新型战斗系统。埃文斯在博瑞雅星的纽卡斯尔为莫平准备了一栋外观平平无奇的办公楼,在其中藏有一间高科技实验室和一个强大的研发团队。为了保密,该项目以莫平的儿子来命名,代号为让利工程解决方案 。莫平在圣盾动力的动作成果上继续研发,开发出了原型实弹加特林与电磁炮。
2791 梅塞尔十一世错误地将费荣 星系指认为反叛分子的老巢。出于对皇帝的害怕,许多富有的公民与梅塞尔忠实支持者迅速逃离了这个星系,同时带早了大量财富与影响力。军队最终到来时,因为78中队 挺身而出英勇地拒绝执行滥杀平民的任务,这才避免了暴力事件的发生。但费荣所遭受的经济与政治创伤已经无法挽回。
2792 └─ 反梅塞尔激进分子以不来梅星系为中心开展推翻政权的活动。此前逃到希安帝国的革命分子也偷渡回到不来梅,密谋策划更多活动。 └─ 一颗有生命存在的星球:盖荣II星被地球化改造。 └─ 4月12日 - 激进分子将盖荣II星上外星生命活动的视频泄露到了光谱上。 └─ 4月27日 - 盖荣II大屠杀 - 成千上万名抗议者在威尔被枪杀。然而这个暴行的新闻并没有立马传开。 └─ 军方获得“让利工程解决方案”的原型武器,准备将它们运至基利恩星系进行测试。盖荣II大屠杀的影像泄露到公众,所有UEE军队都调用去镇压叛乱。在随之而来的混乱时期中,装有原型武器的货箱被卸至塞特拉斯上的一间仓库封存,并在这里度过了100余年。 └─ 5月3日 - 人民起义并推翻了政府。分析家称是由于希安势力的影响,推翻梅塞尔十一世的革命才能最终成功。梅塞尔时期就此结束。来自地球的艾琳·托伊当选新皇帝,承诺带来一个社会觉醒的开明时代。
2792年 5月3日之后 └─ 皇帝艾琳·托伊恢复法庭系统的运作,确保皇帝的权力得到监管。 └─ 皇帝希望参议员阿卡利担任驻希安帝国大使一职,但他希望着手重建UEE而婉拒。在进一步遴选后,皇帝选中了罗曼·科恩担任这个职务。 └─ 皇帝托伊试图与剜度建立外交关系,但对方仅有敌意。 └─ 绝大多数圣盾动力的军事合约终止。
2793年 └─ 皇帝托伊召见参议员马歇尔·林恩,希望他能接受外交部长这个职位,帮助人类重建与其他外星文明之间的关系。林恩立马安排了与希安与巴努外交官的会面。林恩知道修复关系需要细心准备、大量时间以及最重要的——相互信任。他也知道自己乃至皇帝的言行与承诺,都不足以弥补现有的伤害。只有一项出于外交与和平的壮举,才能说服整个宇宙人类已经真正地做出了改变。 └─ UEE皇帝托伊与希安皇帝克雷在凯法星系会面。克雷陪同托伊在Tovaroh上进行了一趟私人旅行,并向她赠予了一株世纪花作为纪念。克雷在会面中还阐述了Li'Tova宗教的核心理念,即任何微小的活动都会影响整个宇宙。在这次会面期间,皇帝克雷修订了希安法律,允许凯法星系对所有人类旅客开放;希望借此宣传希安的文化、习俗,以及两个物种之间长久的和平。双方共同签署并批准了《佩里线条约》 ,正式宣告了冷战的结束,并开启了双方之间一段延续至今的全新外交时代。每年5月29日的停战日,就是为了纪念此事而设立。[47] └─ 《政府现代化》法案提议将UEE首都从地球迁都至泰拉。该法案仅以三票之差未获通过。
2794 林恩部长的首个参议院演讲便有关于方舟计划。他提出了一项法案,寻求资金来建造一个不隶属于任何地方、物种以及政府的轨道平台。这个平台将穿行于各物种的星系之间,宣传与分享普世知识,同时还是一个为外交讨论准备的安全的、中立的空间。参议院非常赞成方舟计划。建造工作在计划在2794年末开始,只差选择合适的建造地点。许多参议员希望借这个项目振兴经济,力争将自己的星系选为建造地点。不过林恩部长希望方舟不受任何政治因素影响,所以出乎意料地决定在塔亚克星系开始建造工作。这是一个没有本地人口或参议院代表的星系, 在梅塞尔时期一直未对公众开放。
2795 └─ 方舟建造工作正式开始,进展比预期要慢。将建造部件上的武器拆除比预期中的更需要时间与金钱,导致项目进度严重推迟。 └─ 《公平机会法案》正式批准生效,宣布对现存生命的星球进行地球化改造是一项死罪。这些星球不该被打扰,让上面的物种有机会继续进化。
2792年至2799年 铁砧航天代号U4A-3水龟级扫描/探索飞船问世,作为UEE海军防御性改制的第一艘飞船服役。圣盾动力复仇者 开始作为首款前线舰载机服役。
2799 起源跃动与RSI紧密合作,在飞船制造领域获得可观利润。
2800 林恩部长赢得一次较有争议的选举,当选下一任皇帝。在前任皇帝艾琳·托伊的鼓励与认可下,林恩部长将自己的方舟计划作为选举宣传的重点,宣称该计划证明自己是星际共识的打造者,能够修复人类与其他物种之间的关系。他的就职典礼举办不久后,方舟便正式完工。皇帝林恩邀请来自希安、巴努、塔维因,甚至剜度的代表来出席了庆祝典礼。在皇帝林恩的开场演说中,他呼吁所有人携手并进,共同助力方舟传播和平与知识。


2801 - 2900 | 重要事件

2805 └─ 武藏工业与星航株式会社(MISC)最盛星创立,由生意不景气的佐藤电子公司橡实有限公司独立出来的 武藏生活方式设计单位,双方商业合并而成。 is formed in an arranged business merger between the failing Hato Electronics Corporation and the Musashi Lifestyle Design Unit spinoff of Acorn Limited. └─ 在过去13年中,UEE的犯罪率大幅上升。
2811 弧光收购引擎制造商 新星之光
2818 马格努斯·托宾发售第一代mobiGlas手环。[48]
2832 舒宾星际有史以来首次宣布在费隆星系亏损。这家矿业公司宣布原因为主要矿脉枯竭,并且表示未来将关闭更多采矿设施。此事敲响了费荣的丧钟。多年来的大肆开采酿成了严重后果,这个星系的矿藏几乎被采掘一空。当初费隆快速崛起,而今更是迅速衰败。 2833 卡斯康星选出安德烈·诺沃肖洛夫为主席。
2842 过去十年中,费隆星系的人口几乎减半,经济倒退更为严重。
29世纪中期 皮特·维瑟曼范恩星创立自属之地公司。该公司经营范围迅速扩张。
2858 起源悦动旗下的890 悦动发售。
2862 朱莉叶·莫平逝世。
2863 克洛诺斯星系被发现。
2868 加利纳·莉·杜根在马格努斯星系博瑞雅星上的一个山中小院内出生,她是家中七子中最年幼的孩子。她的父母爱娃斯卡夫莱继承了爱娃祖父母创办的独立勘探与采矿生意 —— 杜根采矿公司
2871 卡利班的沦陷 - 剜度王船最后一次出现在UEE星域。
2872 └─ 为了回应人类贪婪嗜血的指责,UEE谋划了一项壮举。科尔宾·萨利希公布大天使计划:一个人工世界,将死气沉沉的岩石改造成为一颗可供生命延续的星球。建造工作在克洛诺斯星系展开,人们认为它将成为当时那个时代的奇观。但他们低估了工作难度,这个计划将耗时数十年,甚至数个世纪才能完工。 └─ 与剜度的冲突烈度降低至零星的袭击。 └─ 圣盾动力伊德利斯 级护卫舰斯坦顿 号封存。斯坦顿号此前在第351战斗群服役了近60年。
2883 8月 - 海军寻路与探索飞船皮西亚斯号驾驶员马克·德伦少校,于8月1日在克里昂博罗接到任务。他的任务内容是更新维京星系的预警系统,并监控剜度氏族活动的迹象。他的最后一则日志更新停留在8月16日,企图突破前往跳跃点未果。皮西亚斯号被击中。德伦生前所作的最后一件事便是试图删除船载计算机上的所有数据,但并没有成功。
2884 击毁皮西亚斯号的同一个剜度氏族袭击卡利班星系。
2894 伯纳尔·齐克创办的第一间倾卸者仓库开业。
2896 1月15日 - UEE成功回收了一架由海军侦察中队发现的废弃无主卡图。这架飞船立马被转移到了一座秘密设施以供开展深入研究。帝国研究员试图解读与理解船上受损的科技。
2899 └─ 起源跃动发售他们的初代200与300系列个人飞船。 └─ 人类公司 加速质量设计成立。[49]


2901 - 3000 | Notable events

2901 └─ 一艘希安走私货船载有宰杀和表演用的奥索安,在哈迪斯星系遇到引擎故障。在船员设法修复能源的过程中,平日里温顺听话的奥索安从笼中逃脱,并杀光了船员以及救援船上的所有人,最终互相厮杀殆尽。这艘走私货船和救援船一直停留在哈迪斯III星的轨道上。 └─ 一群人类研发出让标准飞船推进器红外与电子信号降低的技术,并成立了人类飞船部件生产商上升航天[50]
2902 └─ 卡汀娜 星上的深海中发现生命体,因此受《公平机会法案》 的保护。该星球上的现有居民都被集中至一个单独的生态建筑中,以免对环境造成破坏。 └─ 威尔士Op公司在克罗肖星系成立。
2903 UEE宣布拥有对已发现的斯坦顿星系之所有权。
2904 加文·斯纳姆买下专门仿制武器的闪火公司,并将公司的资源投入生产飞船武器挂架。
2907 杜根矿业公司因挪用公款的指控导致家庭分裂而倒闭。盖尔·杜根开始从事合同矿工的工作。她接下了一单地点在刚建立不久的斯坦顿星系的工作,并入住了该区域所有合同工们的住所格林皇家酒店
2910 武藏工业背地里与希安签署租借协议,得以研发混合技术的飞船,最出名的便是信赖系列。[51]
2912 └─ 道尔顿·科拉贝洛塞特拉斯的军用杂余物资拍卖会上买下了一个奇怪的箱子。他发现里面装有朱莉叶·莫平设计的飞船武器原型部件。在深入调查它们的历史后,他从莫平的曾孙女手中买下了原版设计文件。他卖掉了自己的建筑公司,并倾尽所有家产来筹办启示录军备公司 └─ 电车城前总督保罗·迪布利参加下一届总督竞选。 └─ Ted SantosDiyo Nikolas成立了生物技术公司
2913 └─ 起源跃动总裁Jennifer Friskers宣布泰拉为UEE的文化首府。起源总部也迁至泰拉的新奥斯丁 └─ 道尔顿·科拉贝洛成立了人类武器制造商启示录军备公司[52]
2916 瑞特尔突击者队获得萨塔球冠军。
2920 └─ 合成世界计划进展缓慢,为帝国经济带来了不小的负担。人类的宏图愿景开始变得不切实际。贫富两极分化达到历史新高,贫民的不满之情日益增加。剜度袭击也日渐频繁,UEE似乎对此没有采取丝毫应对措施。 └─ UEE将斯坦顿III星出售给弧光集团。 └─ 雷纳图斯港的拉德盖斯特酒吧开始按照26世纪的模样重建。 └─ 起源跃动在首府城举办的帝国工程技术展上公布了首批M系列Model 50(M50)飞船。
2922 └─科尔宾·萨利希由于人造胰腺出现突发问题而逝世。失去了创始人的引导,合成世界项目陷入怠工期。 └─ 德雷克行星际输掉了一场UEE“竞标”,他们随后注册成立,将弯刀改为民用飞船。简·德杰担任CEO,其余七位董事会成员几乎全是参与过弯刀项目的设计师。德雷克的企业管理部门与主要工厂都坐落于博瑞雅星。短短九个月内,德雷克便在其他星球上开设了6间工厂,并在9个星系内设立了特许经销商。 └─ 8月9日 - DeathGrrrr DeathGrrrr电子病毒爆发,全宇宙范围内的飞船与传感系统遭到感染。而威尔士Op的传感器没有受其影响。 └─ 12月31日 - 自DeathGrrrr电子病毒爆发事件后,威尔士Op现拥有私人飞船传感器行业35%的市场份额(此前不到1%)。
2924 生物科技公司推出净生系统。该产品只投入使用了不到一个月的时间,人们发现其过于热心,会把有益的微生物连同有害的微生物一起消灭。生物科技公司启动了大规模召回,并停止售卖与生产净生系统。尽管出现负面新闻,但公众仍对生物科技迅速果决的处理方式,以及立刻对受影响者提供帮助而感到认可。
2925 坎尼斯贪腐事件
2927 过去五年中,德雷克已经成长为第五大飞船制造公司。从他们的扩张速度来看,似乎在十年后每个人都能开上一艘黑弯刀。
2928 └─ 凯洛斯·科斯蒂根当选UEE皇帝。 └─ 苏伊·科西从UEE海军正式退役,转服预备役。
Late 2920s 亨利·加里蒂在父亲的自属之地机库中自己设计mobiGlas游戏。他开发出了一款独一无二的角色扮演游戏,名为《Ackbar》
2930 埃斯佩里亚开始生产剜度刀锋的复刻版飞船。
2931 5月31日 - 此时身为歌手的盖尔·杜根在没有购买返程票的情况下,搭乘商业航班飞抵首府城,并在艾薇拉奖的颁奖典礼上演唱了两首歌:她首张专辑中的《The Day Ahead》以及最新专辑中的《Echo》。表演结束后,她意味深长地凝视着观众,静静地感谢大家后便走下了舞台。盖尔拒绝搭乘商业交通回到马格努斯星系,称自己要乘坐私人飞船,但她名下的飞船都存放在博瑞雅星的住所中。此后再没有人见到过盖尔。
2934 RSI发售新款凤凰座
2935 The Walzer Massacre occurs aboard OP Station Demien orbiting Nexus II, marking the first serious clash between the UEE and the criminal element in Nexus. The incident occurred in between shifts, when members of the Horizon Crew slipped aboard the station and murdered the small security detail tasked with monitoring the station. Now in control of the landing pads, they allowed more of their pack to board without attracting any attention. The group stalked the halls of Demien and murdered anyone they came across. One young inhabitant managed to make it to a comm station and alert authorities before he was slaughtered. By the time they arrived, there were only outlaws left. Local authorities were significantly outgunned and were beaten back from entering the facility. They were forced to call in the Marines to retake the base. The ensuing battle lasted for six hours, as Marines and criminals fought over every centimeter of territory.

奈克瑟斯II星轨道上的德米恩运作空间站发生瓦泽屠杀事件,标志着UEE与奈克瑟斯星系犯罪势力的首起重大冲突。地平线组织 的成员趁着安保换班期间悄悄进入空间站,杀害了负责监控的安保人员。在控制了停机坪后,更多组织成员在没有引起注意的情况下登上了空间站。他们潜入德米恩空间站内无差别杀害了任何遇到的人。一位孩童在被杀害前设法前往通讯设施警告了当地政府。当政府安保抵达时,空间站内已经只剩下犯罪分子了。他们的火力严重不足,甚至没法成功登陆。无奈之下,他们只好呼叫海军陆战队的支援。海军陆战队在空间站内血战6小时后终于干掉了所有犯罪分子,但空间站内的居民已无人生还。

Mid 2930s 第一方生产商开始在飞船与武器设计上普及闪火公司推行的挂点标准。
2936 └─ 亨利·加里蒂、查理·巴斯和加里蒂的弟弟创立了原初系统游戏公司。他们同年发售了《巴斯:泰拉之岩洞》和《创世纪 4》两款游戏。 └─ 圣盾动力伊德里斯级护卫舰斯坦顿号调遣至第87战斗群
2937 赫利俄斯I星登上了新闻头条,当时一座科考空间站坠向了行星表面。当地驻扎的角斗士中队迅速为飞船装上了耐高温改建,并在新闻直播下拯救了六条人名。
2940 └─ 埃斯佩里亚停止生产刀锋复刻品。 └─ 原初系统发售了多款游戏,现已拥有 300 名开发者与多间工作室。他们在游戏市场中表现抢眼,普遍认为他们家的角色扮演游戏最为厉害。加里蒂后来与来自泰拉的开发者崔斯坦·布莱尔结下了深厚的友谊。加里蒂提出帮助发行后者的最新作品,一款叫做《神秘年代》的类创世纪游戏,并且还雇用他为原初系统公司开发更多游戏。
2941 └─ 《历史真实法案》获批通过。 └─ 政府报告披露出,近期发现的卡巴尔星系中有一颗星球上存在远古塔维因定居点的遗迹。[53] └─ 阿哈默德·哈勒尔和卡尔·戴森2617年在凯法星系的发现全部公之于众。 └─ 詹姆斯·罗曼诺夫詹姆斯·范戴克宝路公司离职,创立了互动维度软件,后来开发了《星际陆战队》。
2942 火山臼推出他们的首款寒冷与炎热天气专用套装。[53]
2943 └─ 起源跃动85X飞船发售。 └─ 女妖 - 坦莎的跳跃点被发现。 └─ 泰拉磨坊从小贝尼西奥·刘易斯手中收购了大本尼这个品牌。 └─ 原初系统发售大获成功的太空战斗游戏:《竞技场指挥官》
2944 └─ 最新款起源325A发售。 └─ 为赢得下一届穆里杯,起源M50得到全面重新设计。 └─ 根据萨塔球职业联盟的数据所示,巴努星系卖出的门票收入占总门票收入的35%;边远星系的比赛上座率甚至更高。 └─ 11月 - 公民关怀基金会启动了一项野心勃勃的计划,目的是将政府在2944财年投入合成世界项目中的每一项开支分类整理归档。
2945 └─ RSI发布星座系列天鹰座广告。 └─ 11月10日 - 维加II星之战标志着剜度战争爆发。 └─ 据旅游安全预警系统 最新的年度报道,2945年的犯罪率创下本世纪新高,而2946年有望刷新记录。
2946 └─ Terra Mills reveal their newest brand, TipTop, at the Vendor Association Conference. └─ The Gang Tour is established, visiting such places as Spider, Ruin Station and Olympus. └─ The film Lost Squad releases, based on the 卡利班陷落 in 2871. └─ March 1st - A small Vanduul raiding party (two 死镰s and another vessel) originating from Vanguard, trip border sensors from Leir. Between one and three ships land at the Estada family's settlement, located 213 km SSW of Nedila - possibly an attack on the homestead by Slavers, disguised to appear like a Vanduul raid, although this is not confirmed. └─ March 26th - The Cargo Handler Assiciation hosts the 16th annual Cargolympics on Titus. Sponsor 托雷雷尔食品 donate all proceeds from the event to Operation Solace. └─ April 5th - Sean Nazawa writes Day One: A New Dawn for Aremis Post, documenting the Attack on Vega II. └─ May 3rd - UEE Senatorial Race. Speaker Marshall Madrigal secures another term in Borea. Windel Aurelia and Yann Isher do likewise on Angeli, but Kyle Polo loses his seat to Sean Debinavi, a Universalist from Quinton. Heavy voter turnout in New York. Suj Kossi wins Jalan seat to become first Tevarin UEE Senator, Gabrielle Gracián comes in second. └─ May 17th, 18:27 - UEE Congress (396) session begins. The vote for Amendment 27 (requiring that any elected Senator must be born a Human to have voting privileges in the UEE Senate) fails. The vote for SA-43 (Supplemental Appropriations Bill) passes. └─ Between May 16–20 - The Concerned Citizens Foundation release their report. It details negligent management strategies, flagrant approval processes, and a myriad of subsidized objectives with only a passing relevance to the Synthworld Project at large. └─ May 23rd, 09:24 - UEE Congress (396) session begins. Sensible Synthworld Amendment drafted by Senator Rachel Lester (T – Vann – Croshaw Sys).
2947 └─ Origin Jumpworks' 600i series is released, including the Explorer and Touring variations. └─ MISC 勘探者 released. └─ RSI's new Corvette - the 北极星, is released. └─ October 27th - 联合外域's CEO, Silas Koerner, announces the development of the 开拓者 at the CitizenCon 2947 in Frankfurt.
2948 铁砧航天 releases the 箭矢 light fighter.[54]
2950 Imperator Election in the United Empire of Earth.[55]
2951 January 1st - Current Imperator Laylani Addison sworn into office.


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