
Upcoming features


This article lists game features that have been mentioned or announced by 云间帝国游戏 or its staff and are expected to be part of future game update for 星际公民 or for 42中队. Features on this article are subject to change and are not guaranteed to be included.

For past updates, see Patch notes.


Image Name Description Status Anticipated release
NPC throwables The ability for AI NPCs to use throwables, like grenades. In development.[1] TBA
NPC driving The ability for AI NPCs to enter and drive ground vehicles. In development.[1] TBA
NPC transit systems AI NPCs will use elevators, trams, etc. In development.[1] TBA
NPC crouching A navigation mesh that allows AI NPCs to travel through openings in a crouched position. In development.[1] TBA

Armor and clothing

Image Name Description Status Anticipated release
Frontier Clothing Frontier-style clothing for players and NPCs to be used in outposts in Pyro. In development. TBA
Titan suit concept 02.jpg
Titan exosuit Powered exoskeleton for combat purposes. Unknown TBA
UEE Environment Coat Sold for a limited time in 2014.[2] Unknown TBA


Image Name Description Status Anticipated release
Boreal stalker.jpg
Boreal Stalker Apex predator on microTech, created by microTech genetic engineers. Concept TBA
Devin Bautista Mission giver in 奥里森. Concept[3] Alpha 4.2.0[4]
Eddie Parr at Wallys Alpha 3.12.jpg
Eddie Parr Mission giver in 新巴贝奇. Concept TBA
Lisa Gibbs Mission giver in Orison. Concept[3] Alpha 4.2.0[4]
Luca Brunt.png
Luca Brunt Mission giver in 六角湾 Unknown TBA
A tall, herbivorous beast bred for its fine wool. Concept TBA
A predator native to the 希安 world Xi. Concept TBA
Pyro Crab Concept.png
Pyro Crab A four-legged land carnivore that can disguise itself as a rock. Native to a planet in the Pyro system. Concept TBA
Quasi Grazer Seed animal also known as "Space Cow", native to 故夕. Concept TBA
Recco Battaglia Mission giver in 列夫斯基. Removed in Alpha 3.0.0. TBA, to be reintroduced with the 尼克斯星系.
Stormwal above Crusader.png
Stormwal A creature native to the gaseous planet Crusader, also referred to as Space Whale. Concept TBA
Tessa Bannister Mission giver in 斯坦顿星系. Unknown TBA
Yengi cat
(ngii / yao’yao)
A semi-aquatic domesticated mammal. Concept TBA

Core tech

Image Name Description Status Anticipated release
RSI-Perseus-promo 07.jpg
Dynamic Door Alignment - Vehicles Doors and elevators extend out dynamically within a certain range. In development. TBA
(graphics rendering architeture)
New graphics renderer that will replace the cryengine renderer, also a prerequisite to update the Graphics API from DirectX 11 to Vulkan. In development. Alpha 3.18.0
Origin M50 Engine Swap The possibility of swapping out the bespoke M50 engines. Unknown TBA
Retaliator Room OC Swapping
(formerly: Vehicle Module Swapping)
System to swap vehicle rooms and modules via mobiGlas app. Unknown TBA
(graphics API)
Update of the graphics API from DirectX 11 to Vulkan. Unknown TBA


Image Name Description Status Anticipated release
Actor Feature - EVA T2 Addition of EVA fuel and improvements to zero-G push&pull movement. Unknown Alpha 3.18.0[5]
Actor Feature - Ladders T1 Improved traversing of ladders, ability to use FPS weapons, heal and perform one-handed actions. Unknown TBA
Actor Feature - Lockers & Inventory Functional lockers to store clothes, armor and items in a physicalized state. Also includes a method of storing items on shelves and attachment surfaces. Unknown TBA
Actor Tech - Physicalized Weapon Handling Character animations while interacting with FPS weapons. In development. TBA
Artificial gravity
(part of Resource Management)
A system to control gravity on a per room basis to be used in ships, outposts, etc. In development. TBA
Cutting T2 Updating the FPS cutting feature and addition of free-form cutting. In development. TBA
Docking - Ship to ship Ability for smaller ships to dock in larger ships while in space. Unknown TBA
Fire Extinguisher - Tech Functioning fire extinguishers, will work alongside the fire hazard system. Unknown TBA
FPS Radar / Scanning Improved signature system that supports much greater distances and the dampening of signatures by environmental interference and larger entities. Unkown TBA
Hacking T0
(formerly: Hacking - Tech)
FPS minigame displayed in the HUD visor to unlock access to systems and areas. In development. TBA
Hangar Manager App A mobiGlas app that emulates the functionality of ASOP terminals. Unknown TBA
Life support
(part of Resource Management)
A ship component that allows the management of oxygen generation on board ships. In development. TBA
Long Distance Probing Quantum-traveling probes that can detect signatures at extreme ranges far beyond the reach of ship scanners. The signatures can ultimately be used to identify point-of-interest and plan quantum travel. Unknown TBA
MFD rework Redesign and rebuild of ship MFDs with Building Blocks UI. In development. TBA
NPC Taxi Mission T0 Mission type that requires to transport NPCs between rest stops. Unknown TBA
Persistent Hangars Ability to own Persistent Hangars. This will bring changes to the Cargo gameplay loop by allowing players to buy cargo and send it to their hangars.

Note: Player owned hangars included in pledges is a seperate feature.[6]
In development. TBA
Player Interaction Experience The Player Interaction Experience (PIE) is a holistic array of complimentary features and systems, all related directly to the player. Player status, item status, environment status, as well as interactions with both the game world and the objects within it, are covered under these systems. In development. TBA
Player Slide Ability to slide short distances along the floor. Unknown TBA
Prone Improvments to prone movement. In development. TBA
Salvage T0 Missions and gameplay feature for ship based hull stripping. Unknown Alpha 3.18.0
Ship CPU
(part of Resource Management)
Designing and implementing computer blades for ships. Includes various blades that can be used to modify or improve certain aspects of a ship's functionality, such as unlocking more complex targeting abilities. Unknown TBA
Space Mines Ability to release different types of space mines in a coordinated fashion, in an attempt to trap, damage and capture enemies, or set up defensive perimeters. In development. TBA
Charge/Drain T0
(formerly: Weapon Charge/Drain T0 - Tech)
All back-end tech tasks related to creating the first pass of the charge/drain feature that will be used in future location and mission updates. Unknown TBA
Mag Stripping/Refill
(formerly: Weapons - Magazine Stripping Refilling)
Ability to refill and unload magazines for FPS ballistic weapons. Unknown TBA
Weapon Misfire & Wear Adding the potential for certain weapons to misfire or malfunction depending on various factors. In development. TBA
Zero-G Push & Pull Adding the ability for the player to traverse surfaces in zero-g by pushing and pulling with their hands. Unknown TBA

Locations and planets

Image Name Description Status Anticipated release
Aaron Halo Gateway.png
亚伦环带 A gateway to travel through the asteroid belt between Crusader and ArcCorp. Unknown TBA
Lorville redesign preview 2022-11-22.jpg
罗威尔 Cityscape Rework of the Lorville skyline and buildings. In development. Alpha 3.19.0
(Incl. Nyx I, Nyx II, Nyx III)
Completing the initial foundational work needed to implement the Nyx system into the game. Unknown TBA
Outpost Homestead – Independent & Outlaw
(formerly: Small Home - Outpost - Colonialism[7])
A small home for AI to live and shelter. They consist of a central hub and a few optional internal and external modules. They provide the basic necessities to support a small group of people for an indefinite amount of time.[8] In development. TBA
(Incl. 派罗I, 派罗II, 派罗III, 派罗IV, 派罗V, 派罗VI, Akiro Cluster, Ruin Station)
Completing the initial foundational work needed to implement the Pyro system into the game. In development. Alpha 4.0.0
炽天使空间站 Unknown. In development. (exterior complete)[9] TBA


Image Name Description Status Anticipated release
Medivac - Under attack above world while rescuing with drone - Rear Starboard.jpg
阿波罗 医务室 Medium medical ship made by Roberts Space Industries. Concept, not in active development. TBA
Apollos InFlight Concept.jpg
阿波罗 分诊台 Medium medical ship made by Roberts Space Industries. Concept, not in active development. TBA
Bengal - In space upper portside.jpg
孟加拉 Fleet carrier with integrated runway and hangar made by Roberts Space Industries for the 地球联合帝国海军. Unknown, not in active development. Flyable by NPCs. TBA
Crucible Repairs.jpg
坩埚 Large heavy repair ship made by 铁砧航天. Concept, not in active development. TBA
奋进, Endeavor Discovery, Endeavor Hope, Endeavor Olympic Capital science ship made by 武藏工业与星航株式会社. Concept, not in active development. TBA
F7A 大黄蜂 Small one person medium fighter made by Anvil Aerospace. Unknown, not in active development. Flyable by NPCs. TBA
Sq42 SneakPeekF8.png
F8A 闪电, F8C 闪电, F8C Lightning Executive-Edition Small one person heavy fighter made by Anvil. Unknown, not in active development. Flyable by NPCs. TBA, after the release of Squadron 42
Genesis Starliner - Flying away from Terra Prime.jpg
创世纪 星航 Large passenger transporter made by 十字军工业. Concept, not in active development. TBA
货轮 B Medium heavy cargo ship from the Hull series. Unknown TBA
Hull C with Hull A's - Cut and Blured.png
货轮 C Large heavy cargo ship from the Hull series. In development. Final Art. TBA
Hull D - Docked at large station.jpg
货轮 D Capital heavy cargo ship from the Hull series. Concept, not in active development. TBA
货轮 E Capital heavy freight ship. Concept, not in active development. TBA
Ares x5 flying towards Idris K.jpg
伊德里斯-K Upgrade kit for the Idris-P. Unknown, not in active development. TBA, after the release of Squadron 42
UEES Stanton - Isometric.jpg
伊德里斯-M Capital frigate made by Aegis Dynamics. Unknown, in development for Squadron 42. Flyable by NPCs. TBA, after the release of Squadron 42
File:Idris-P Slideshow Image (2 "Down Front").jpg
伊德里斯-P Capital frigate made by Aegis Dynamics. Unknown TBA, after the release of Squadron 42
标枪 Capital destroyer made by Aegis Dynamics. Unknown, flyable by NPCs. TBA, after the release of Squadron 42
Kraken AboveShipMisty Concept.jpg
海妖 Capital multi-role light carrier. Concept, not in active development. TBA
Privateer - Landed Rear Port.jpg
海妖 私掠版 Capital multi-role light carrier and commerce ship. Concept, not in active development. TBA
解放者 Large vehicle and ship transporter made by Anvil Aerospace. Concept, not in active development. TBA
Merchantman Concept - Citizen Con 2021.png
行商 Capital commerce and cargo ship. Not in active development. Interior & Exterior in whitebox. TBA
Nautilus - Deploying mines - Front Starboard.png
鹦鹉螺, Nautilus Solstice Edition Mine laying, disarming and sweeping ship made by Aegis Dynamics. Concept, not in active development. TBA
MISC Odyssey Promo flying away from planet.jpg
奥德赛 Expedition ship with onboard refinery made by 武藏工业与星航株式会社. Concept, not in active development. TBA
The Shipyard - Careers and Roles - Resources2.jpg
猎户座 Capital mining ship made by Roberts Space Industries. Concept, not in active development. TBA
飞马座 Capital escort carrier made by Roberts Space Industries. Unknown TBA
RSI-Perseus-promo 01.jpg
英仙座 Large gunship made by 罗伯茨太空工业. Concept, not in active development. TBA
Pioneer Side Concept.jpg
开拓者 Capital heavy construcion platform made by 联合外域. Concept, not in active development. TBA
北极星 Capital patrol corvette made by Roberts Space Industries. Concept, not in active development. TBA
XIAN Railen Promo Base Paint Scheme.jpg
锐伦 希安 based cargo ship made by 盖塔克制造. Concept, not in active development. TBA
Retaliator Concept Flight.jpg
报复者 基础 Base variant of the Retaliator series. Unknown, not in active development. TBA
Scorpius Antares Concept Roadmap.png
天蝎座 蝎心 Small two person crew EMP and quantum jammer made by Roberts Space Industries. Flight Ready. Alpha 3.18.0[10]
San'tok.yai Concept Skimming.jpg
桑托起亚 Small one person medium fighter made by 奥波亚. In development. (Greybox)[11] TBA
File:Spirit C1 flying above clouds.png
星灵 A1, 星灵 C1, 星灵 E1 Small multi-crew ship from Crusader Industries in the variants: bomber, medium freight and VIP transport. In development. (Greybox)[11] TBA
SRV Concept Tugging.jpg
SRV Small one person crew tugboat made by 南船座宇航. In development. (Go/no-go meeting in march)[9] TBA
Vulcan - Flying repairing Eclipse with drones.jpg
火神 Two person crew medium refuel and repair ship made by Aegis Dynamics. Concept TBA
Ship Shield-Emitters Converting ship shield-emitters into physical objects that can be targeted and destroyed, giving players the ability to permanently disable enemy shields. Unknown TBA
Unannounced ship N/A In development. (Passed LOD0 review, now final-art)[11] TBA
Unannounced variant N/A In development. (Passed greybox review, now LOD0 phase)[11] TBA
Unannounced vehicle N/A In development. (greybox)[11] TBA

Ground vehicles

Image Name Description Status Anticipated release
Cydnus - Landed with white background - Front Port.jpg
土蝽 Manned quadruped mining vehicle. Unknown TBA
天猫座 Ground vehicle made by Roberts Space Industries for the Constellation series ships. In development. TBA
G12 in garage - Cut.png
G12, G12a, G12r Two person ground vehicle made by 起源跃动. Concept TBA
Ranger Concept Racing.jpg
游骑兵 CV, 游骑兵 RC, 游骑兵 TR One person motorcycle style vehicle made by 盾博尔地面系统. Concept TBA
X1 Promo Image 01.jpg
X1, X1 武装, X1 竞速 One person gravlev vehicle made by Origin Jumpworks. In development. TBA

FPS weapons and items

Image Name Description Status Anticipated release
Door Breach Charge Explosive door breach charge made by 贝林应用技术. Unknown TBA
FACTION-9 Baton FPS non-lethal weapon. Unknown TBA
Fresnel LMG Laser LMG made by Verified Offworld Laser Technologies. Unknown TBA
Fire Extinguisher Fire extinguisher. Unknown TBA
Greycat Industrial Cutting Tool.png
Industrial Cutting Tool Cutting tool made by Greycat Industrial. Unknown TBA
Industrial Salvage Tool Salvage tool made by Greycat Industrial. Unknown TBA
Greycat Industrial Tractor Beam.png
Industrial Tractor Beam FPS tractor beam made by Greycat Industrial. Unknown TBA
M34 Restraint System Handcuffs. Unknown TBA
Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment Multi-tool salvage attachment. Unknown TBA
UltiFlex Novia Crossbow - Monthly report 2021-01 001.jpg
Novia Crossbow Compound style crossbow made by UltiFlex. Unknown TBA
P8-AR Ballistic Rifle Select fire ballistic assault rifle made by 贝林应用技术. Available in PTU Alpha 3.15.0 for a short duration. Unknown TBA
Volt paralax 01.jpg
视差步枪 Electron assault rifle made by Verified Offworld Laser Technologies. Unknown TBA
Quartz SMG SMG made by Verified Offworld Laser Technologies. Unknown TBA
PA Taser Pistol WIP - 02.png
Taser Pistol FPS non-lethal stun pistol. Unknown TBA

Vehicle weapons and items

Image Name Description Status Anticipated release
AMX-1 Repair Droid Ship drone. Unknown TBA
Arame Laser Beam Size 4 laser beam made by Trident Attack Systems. Unknown TBA
Eventide Repeater Size 5 ballistic repeater made by 启示录军备. Unknown TBA
Idris K concept design 01.jpg
Exodus Laser Beam Size 10 laser beam made by 赫斯顿动力. Unknown TBA
Kombu Laser Beam Size 5 vehicle laser beam. Unknown TBA
M3-A Multifunction Space Drone Ship drone. Unknown TBA
M9A Cannon Size 7 laser cannon. Unknown TBA
Nautilus - Nemo Drone - TransparentCropped.png
NEMO Drone Mine retrieval and disarm drone for the 鹦鹉螺. Unknown TBA
Nightfall Repeater Size 6 ballistic repeater. Unknown TBA
Shade Repeater Size 4 ballistic repeater. Unknown TBA
Stor*All Big Box Model A Storage container for 极光 CL. Unknown TBA
Stor*All Mini Storage container for Aurora series ships. Unknown TBA
Wakame Laser Beam Size 6 laser beam. Unknown TBA

See also

External links


  1. 跳转到: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 PU Monthly Report January 2023. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2023-03-007
  2. Introducing the Freelancer line-up. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2023-03-03
  3. 跳转到: 3.0 3.1 Template:Plnk Retrieved 2023-03-05
  4. 跳转到: 4.0 4.1 Roadmap Roundup - April 17th, 2020. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  5. Roadmap Roundup - September 8th, 2021. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  6. Looking for Questions - USPU Features Team. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  7. Roadmap Roundup - May 19th, 2021. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2023-03-02
  8. Template:Plnk Retrieved 2023-03-05
  9. 跳转到: 9.0 9.1 PU Monthly Report February 2023. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2023-03-07
  10. Template:Plnk Retrieved 2023-03-02
  11. 跳转到: 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 PU Monthly Report January 2023. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2023-03-02