
Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment

Multi-tool attachment由灰猫工业生产的武器附件

Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment
ClassificationMulti-tool attachment
Manufacturer灰猫工业 (GRIN)
Occupancy340 μSCU
Production stateScheduled for Alpha 3.18.0

The Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment' is the salvage and repair attachment for the 焦焰 RYT 多功能工具. It is manufactured by 灰猫工业. It allows the user to gather material by stripping vehicle hulls of their coating, a canister with empty storage space is required.

In-game description

Greycat delivers once again, bringing their popular salvage and repair tool (SRT) as an attachment for the Multi-Tool. Though not as powerful as the Cambio, the Cambio-Lite also collects and converts alloys and polymers found in scrap into recycled material composite that can either be sold or used to make quick repairs. Whether stripping salvage for creds or patching a hull to make a ship space-safe, teh Cambio-Lite is ready ot get to work.

Buyable at

Last updated: 2023年03月5日; 21个月前 (2023-03-05)

Last updated with info from patch 3.18.

Location Store Price (aUEC)
罗威尔 Tammany and Sons 320


The Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment will be introduced in Alpha 3.18 with the first person salvaging mechanic. Start of the development of this attachment was revealed in Roadmap Roundup - February 10, 2021 and a first in-game work-in-progress demonstration was shown in Inside Star Citizen: Weapon of Choice - Winter 2021.

See also

