
Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950


Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950

Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950
Event typeIn-game
SubtypeShip exposition
Location托宾会展中心, 新巴贝奇, microTech
Date start11月 20, 2950 (2950-11-20)
Doors open at 16:00 SET
Date end12月 2, 2950 (2950-12-02)
Concept sales游牧者
Commemorative itemsIAE 2950 T-shirt
IAE 2950 Hat
Various ship skins
Free-fly eventYes;
Accounts without a package can play, starting at Nov 20, 22:00 SET
Free rentalsYes (48 hours)
Stock-limited salesYes;
开拓者, 伊德里斯-P, 标枪, Hull-E, 海妖, 890 跃动, 北极星, 星座 凤凰座

The Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950 is a 13 day ship exposition event held at 托宾会展中心 in 新巴贝奇. The expo is an annual event that brings ships of all different manufacturers together to be displayed at several expo halls.[1]

Each 24 hours, a new manufacturer opens up their halls to display their ships. Manufacturers display their ships for 48 hours. Any ship displayed is available to rent and fly for free for a period of 48 [2] hours.

As in previous years, Jax McCleary was present at the event providing detailed coverage with his Whitley's Guide videos.[1]

Stock limited sale schedule

The event also featured sales of stock limited ships on the 承诺商店. These ships are considered 'exclusive' and are therefore only sold in limited quantities over a small period of time. Each stock-limited ship is limited to 1 per account and will be available in three waves:

  • Wave 1: 16:00 UTC
  • Wave 2: 00:00 UTC
  • Wave 3: 08:00 UTC

Launch day issues

At the same moment of the launch of the IAE (nov 20, 1600 UTC), the RSI website experienced a high amount of errors and people were unable to access the website, 承诺商店, or Spectrum in the first hour. Login services were also disrupted so people couldn't log into the launcher and start the game. People already in the game were unaffected.[3] The issue was mostly resolved within a few hours.

Showcase schedule

Showcases were available at Tobin Expo center, where they rotated different ship brands each several days. All of the ships on display on these days were also available to fly for free during a period of 48 hours.[1][4]

Period Brands Location Ships Map
Nov 20-21 南船座宇航/灰猫工业/联合外域 Apex Hall 1,2 / Lower Level / Holosuite 游牧者, Mustang series, 鼹鼠, MPUV series, ROC, PTV IAE Expo 2950 - Day 1 - Greycat-Argo-CO.png
Nov 21-22 圣盾动力 Zenith Hall 1-5 / Lower level / Holosuite Category:复仇者 系列, 日蚀, 短剑, 锤头鲨, 回收者, 报复者, 军刀, Vanguard series IAE Expo 2950 - Day 2 - Aegis.png
Nov 22-23 铁砧航天 Apex Hall 1-3 / Lower level / Holosuite 箭矢, 弩炮, C8X 双鱼座 远征, 克拉克, Hornet series, 角斗士, 猎鹰, 飓风, 水龟, 女武神 IAE Expo 2950 - Day 3 - Anvil.png
Nov 23-24 十字军工业/盾博尔地面系统/克鲁格星际 Zenith Hall 1 / Lower level / Holosuite 墨丘利 星际快运船, Cyclone series, P-52 梅林, P-72 阿基米德 IAE Expo 2950 - Day 4 - Tumbril-Crusasder-Kruger.png
Nov 24-25 武藏工业与星航株式会社 Apex Hall 1, 2, 5 / Lower level / Holosuite Freelancer series, 勘探者, Razor series, Reliant series, 星际远航者 双子座 IAE Expo 2950 - Day 5 - MISC.png
Nov 25-26 德雷克行星际 Zenith Hall 1 / Lower level / Holosuite 掠夺者, 毛虫, Cutlass series, 蜻蜓, 信使 IAE Expo 2950 - Day 6 - Drake.png
Nov 26-27 奥波亚/巴努商会/埃斯佩里亚 Apex Hall 1 / Lower level / Holosuite 卡图-AL, Nox, 防卫者, 刀锋(仿制), 长刀(仿制), 徘徊 IAE Expo 2950 - Day 7 - Esperia-Banu-Aopoa.png
Nov 27-28 起源跃动 Zenith Hall 1-5 / Lower level / Holosuite 85X, 100 series, 300 series, 600i 旅游, 890 跃动, M50 IAE Expo 2950 - Day 8 - Origin.png
Nov 28-29 罗伯茨太空工业 Apex Hall 1, 2, 5 / Lower level / Holosuite Aurora series, Constellation series, 螳螂, 大熊座 IAE Expo 2950 - Day 9 - RSI.png
Nov 29 - Dec 02 Best in show/weapons & armor/ship rentals Zenith Hall 1 / Lower level 克拉克, 女武神, 日蚀, 黑弯刀 (with best in show liveries) IAE Expo 2950 - Day 10 -.png

Whitley's Guide

Jax McCleary did exclusive coverage of each day, with some looks behind the scenes of some of the ships as well.




  1. 跳转到: 1.0 1.1 1.2 IAE 2950. Retrieved 2020-11-08
  2. 跳转到: 2.0 2.1 Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950 FAQ. Retrieved 2020-11-18
  3. RSI services disruption
  4. IAE-2950-Schedule. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2020-11-18