
Category:Cutlass series


此类别包含vehicles in the Cutlass series的pages。

Play By Different Rules: Cutlass 2945 Brochure





CutlassBlack TouchingDown.png
德雷克 AS-1 黑弯刀 (又名: DCB1)是一种低成本、易于维护的解决方案,适用于当地的系统内民兵部队。公司宣传资料坚持认为,大于平均水平的货舱、RIO 座椅和专用牵引光束是为了便于搜救行动。[2] 黑弯刀在海盗中非常受欢迎。
等距视图 俯视图 侧视图 前视图 后视图 仰视图
Cutlass Black in space - Isometric.jpg
Cutlass Black in space - Above.jpg
Cutlass Black in space - Port.jpg
Cutlass Black in space - Front.jpg
Cutlass Black in space - Rear.jpg
Cutlass Black in space - Below.jpg


SKU Cutlass Blue.jpg
德雷克行星际 AS-1 蓝弯刀(也称为DCB2)是民兵和执法机构的首选巡逻船。配备了船载量子阻尼器、多功能武器包和一组囚犯收容系统,蓝弯刀旨在保护公民和压制危险的不法之徒。[3][4]
等距视图 俯视图 侧视图 前视图 后视图 仰视图
Cutlass Blue in space - Isometric.jpg
Cutlass Blue in space - Above.jpg
Cutlass Blue in space - Port.jpg
Cutlass Blue in space - Front.jpg
Cutlass Blue in space - Rear.jpg
Cutlass Blue in space - Below.jpg


Cutlass Red Squad Concept.jpg
等距视图 俯视图 侧视图 前视图 后视图 仰视图
Cutlass Red in Space - Isometirc.jpg
Cutlass Red in Space - Above.jpg
Cutlass Red in Space - Port.jpg
Cutlass Red in Space - Front.jpg
Cutlass Red in Space - Rear.jpg
Cutlass Red in Space - Below.jpg


Drake cutlass steel weapon.jpg
等距视图 俯视图 侧视图 前视图 后视图 仰视图
Cutlass Steel in space - Isometric.jpg
Cutlass Steel in space - Above.jpg
Cutlass Steel in space - Port.jpg
Cutlass Steel in space - Front.jpg
Cutlass Steel in space - Rear.jpg
Cutlass Steel in space - Below.jpg


黑弯刀: "2949最佳展示版本"

Cutlass Black Best In Show Edition 2949 - Cut.png
Limited white and purple livery to celebrate the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2949.[6]
等距视图 俯视图 侧视图 前视图 后视图 仰视图
Cutlass Black BIS 2949 in space - Isometric.jpg
Cutlass Black BIS 2949 in space - Above.jpg
Cutlass Black BIS 2949 in space - Port.jpg
Cutlass Black BIS 2949 in space - Front.jpg
Cutlass Black BIS 2949 in space - Rear.jpg
Cutlass Black BIS 2949 in space - Below.jpg




颜色描述 商店描述 价格 (aUEC) 价格 ($)
White colour with grey, dark grey and gold accents. Celebrate the Drake Cutlass Black and honor its place in the 2950 Ship Showdown winner’s circle, as well as the annals of aerospace history, with this extremely limited Best In Show edition. Available only during Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950! Limited edition. Reward given to Cutlass Black owners for the IAE 2950 "Best in Show" event. *This paint is only compatible with the Cutlass Black. [not available] (Reward)


颜色描述 商店描述 价格 (aUEC) 价格 ($)
Grey colour with red accents. Keep your Cutlass looking sharp with Coal Fire Livery that’s primarily grey with red highlights. [not available] 4.50 [7]
等距视图 俯视图 侧视图 前视图 后视图 仰视图
Cutlass Coalfire - Isometric.jpg
Cutlass Coalfire - Above.jpg
Cutlass Coalfire - Port.jpg
Cutlass Coalfire - Front.jpg
Cutlass Coalfire - Rear.jpg
Cutlass Coalfire - Below.jpg


颜色描述 商店描述 价格 (aUEC) 价格 ($)
Beige yellow colour with green camo pattern. The Cutlass Cypress paint scheme uses a high contrast, disruptive camo pattern to help conceal the ship’s silhouette. [not available] 7.00 [8]
等距视图 俯视图 侧视图 前视图 后视图 仰视图
Cutlass Cypress is space - Isometric.jpg
Cutlass Cypress is space - Above.jpg
Cutlass Cypress is space - Port.jpg
Cutlass Cypress is space - Front.jpg
Cutlass Cypress is space - Rear.jpg
Cutlass Cypress is space - Below.jpg


颜色描述 商店描述 价格 (aUEC) 价格 ($)
Metallic silver and dark grey in colour with teal & white accents and a Foundation Festival logo. Foundation Festival is an opportunity for Citizens and Civilians to come together and strengthen the foundation of our community. Show your commitment to a better universe with this custom livery. Limited edition. Only available as a reward to backers who took part in the annual 奠基节 event. [9] [not available] (Reward)

"食尸鬼 绿"

颜色描述 商店描述 价格 (aUEC) 价格 ($)
Metallic green colour with dark grey accents. Embrace Day of the Vara mischievousness and mayhem any time of the year with this custom Cutlass paint job. It combines a metallic ghoulish green and black for a striking look that highlights the holiday’s classic colors. Limited sale. Only available during the Day of the Vara event. [10] [not available] 5.00
等距视图 俯视图 侧视图 前视图 后视图 仰视图
Cutlass Black Ghoulish Green in space - Isometric.jpg
Cutlass Black Ghoulish Green in space - Above.jpg
Cutlass Black Ghoulish Green in space - Port.jpg
Cutlass Black Ghoulish Green in space - Front.jpg
Cutlass Black Ghoulish Green in space - Rear.jpg
Cutlass Black Ghoulish Green in space - Below.jpg


颜色描述 商店描述 价格 (aUEC) 价格 ($)
Grey/dark grey detailed camo pattern. This black and gray camo pattern makes the Cutlass Hawthorn paint scheme an ideal choice for those looking to disappear into the void. [not available] 7.00 [11]
等距视图 俯视图 侧视图 前视图 后视图 仰视图
Cutlass Hawthorn is space - Isometric.jpg
Cutlass Hawthorn is space - Above.jpg
Cutlass Hawthorn is space - Port.jpg
Cutlass Hawthorn is space - Front.jpg
Cutlass Hawthorn is space - Rear.jpg
Cutlass Hawthorn is space - Below.jpg


颜色描述 商店描述 价格 (aUEC) 价格 ($)
White colour with grey digital camo and grey accents. Cover your Cutlass with grey camo with the special Mistwalker Livery. [not available] 7.00 [12]
等距视图 俯视图 侧视图 前视图 后视图 仰视图
Cutlass Mistwalker - Isometric.jpg
Cutlass Mistwalker - Above.jpg
Cutlass Mistwalker - Port.jpg
Cutlass Mistwalker - Front.jpg
Cutlass Mistwalker - Rear.jpg
Cutlass Mistwalker - Below.jpg


颜色描述 商店描述 价格 (aUEC) 价格 ($)
Army green colour with dark green accents. Enwrap your Cutlass in the Saurian livery, which blends several shades of dark green. [not available] 4.50 [13]
等距视图 俯视图 侧视图 前视图 后视图 仰视图
Cutlass Saurian in space - Isometric.jpg
Cutlass Saurian in space - Above.jpg
Cutlass Saurian in space - Port.jpg
Cutlass Saurian in space - Front.jpg
Cutlass Saurian in space - Rear.jpg
Cutlass Saurian in space - Below.jpg


颜色描述 商店描述 价格 (aUEC) 价格 ($)
深灰色搭配红色口音和骷髅和交叉骨头贴纸。 升级你的色彩搭配,你的黑弯刀用骷髅头和十字架的油漆来恐吓飞行员。限量发售。仅在Pirate Week活动期间可用。*此涂料仅与弯刀黑兼容[14] [not available] 10.00



弯刀最初是根据地球联合帝国2845年“民用战斗机”项目规范而开发的候选机型。这些规范要求一种低成本、可配置的太空战斗机,能够在需要时迅速建造,以装备遥远的本土防卫中队。尽管“弯刀”在竞标中败给了如今已被遗忘的Wildcat,但由Jan Dredge领导的开发团队选择将设计用于民用。





到30世纪的交会期,银河系几乎达到了前所未有的和平状态。当时的剜度氏族袭击显得杂乱无章,边疆殖民地的小规模冲突也相对有限,UEE military正处于数年的休整期。与此同时,法外组织正在大量购买弯刀,但德雷克公司对此并不特别关注。弯刀成为了走私者和海盗工具的新选择,因为他们被排除在Citizens可获得的标准保险系统之外。在有了弯刀之前,他们主要使用过时的淘汰品和军用的剩余物资,但得益于弯刀比(同级别飞船的)平均水平(拥有)更大的货舱和更高客制化程度的性质,现在他们拥有了一种既满足预算又能满足需求的可轻松替换的宇宙飞船。一项分析发现,弯刀突然之间开始用于运输毒品,袭击货物护航队,甚至越来越频繁地大胆挑战警察巡逻。随着时间的推移,弯刀的那种笨重、模块化的外观甚至开始重新定义海盗的形象,正如海盗重新定义了弯刀,为这一古老职业注入了新的生命。


  • 弯刀别称AS-1.
  • 德雷克展厅中的弯刀以全息投影和“骷髅头和交叉骨”标志展现。


  1. Cutlass Brochure. Retrieved 19/12/2021
  2. Cutlass Black - Ship page. Pledge Store
  3. 蓝弯刀 公告. 通讯链接
  4. 蓝弯刀 - 船舶页面. Pledge Store
  5. The Cutlass Red - Ship Page. 通讯链接
  6. The Cutlass Black Best In Show Edition - Pledge store. Pledge Store
  7. Cutlass Coalfire Paint. Pledge Store. Retrieved 19/12/2021
  8. Cutlass Cypress Paint. Pledge Store. Retrieved 24/12/2021
  9. Foundation Festival 2950. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2022-05-23
  10. Halloween 2020. 通讯链接. Retrieved 19/12/2021
  11. Cutlass Hawthorn Paint. Pledge Store. Retrieved 24/12/2021
  12. Cutlass Mistwalker Paint. Pledge Store. Retrieved 19/12/2021
  13. Cutlass Saurian Paint. Pledge Store. Retrieved 24/12/2021
  14. Pirate Week 2022. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2022-09-16

