
Northrock Service Group

业务范围为private security services的Human公司

Northrock logo 3.13.png
Northrock Service Group
产业Private security services
总部所在地New Austin, Terra, 泰拉星系
关键人物Earl Chisum (CEO)
创建于公元2846年; 109年 前 (2846)
Allies地球联合帝国督导局, 赏金猎人公会, Mercenary's Guild
RivalsBlacJac Security, Eckhart Security

Northrock Service Group is a private security firm based in New Austin, Terra, 泰拉星系. It is founded in 2846 primarily as a bodyguard service firm, since then it has expanded their operations to offer bounty hunting and mercenary services.[1] It is in the service of 舒宾星际.[2]

In-game description

Dedicated to sourcing only the most qualified, trained personnel, Northrock has a proven track record of providing the highest level of protection to their exclusive clientele. Started primarily as bodyguard service, Northrock has expanded their operations to also offer bounty hunting and mercenary services. Many police forces and corporations have come to trust Northrock to handle more difficult cases that they might not otherwise have the resources to deal with.


Mission Givers


Northrock Service Group regularly outsources many of its security missions. Northrock Service is allied with the 地球联合帝国督导局, the 赏金猎人公会 and the Mercenary's Guild and has a rivalry with BlacJac Security and Eckhart Security.[1]

Depending on a person's reputation regarding Northrock Service Group, there are several partnership levels that can be reached:

Level Perk
Junior Associate None
Associate None
Security Agent 5 % reward increase
Senior Security Agent 10 % reward increase
Security Specialist 15 % reward increase
Lead Security Specialist 20 % reward increase


  1. 跳转到: 1.0 1.1 In-game survey in Alpha 3.13
  2. Mining Rocks: October 2947. 通讯链接