
Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2946


Day One – The Prowler

Ship prowler landed.png

Day one of the IAE saw the announcement of the brand new 埃斯佩里亚 徘徊 concept ship for sale to the public.

Additionally, ships that are planned for release in Star Citizen Alpha 2.6.0 went up for sale, including the 信使 information runner and the 毛虫 transport

Day One Ship Sales
信使85X毛虫Gladius Valiant伊德里斯-P标枪

Day Two – RSI & Gladius Valiant

罗伯茨太空工业s 星座 天鹰座

Day two of the IAE featured Roberts Space Industries (RSI) and its wide selection of versatile, robust starships.

On this day, it was announced that the the 星座 天鹰座 will be released in the Star Citizen Alpha 3.0.0 and the other Constellation ships (The Phoenix and the Taurus) will be flight ready in the upcoming months.

Finally, the RSI Gladius Valiant was announced as part of the Masters of Flight ship series, boasting a powerful dogfighting loadout and custom livery.

Day Three – Drake Interplanetary


德雷克行星际 headed day three of the IAE, bringing their selection of rough, tough, and morally questionable ships to the floor.

Day Three Ship Sales
信使毛虫蜻蜓Cutlass ( Black - Red - Blue) • 掠夺者Gladius Valiant伊德里斯-P标枪

Day Four – MISC & Sabre Comet

The IAE's day four focused on 武藏工业与星航株式会社, showing off its variety of ships; from the utilitarian Hull series of cargo ships to the xeno-like Reliant

Additionally, a new MISC concept ship was hinted at, supposedly being designed as a racer ship to win the 2947 穆雷杯

Lastly, the 军刀 went up on sale, showing off a dogfighting loadout and paint job as part of the Masters of Flight ship series.

Day Four Ship Sales
奋进Freelancer (DUR - MAX - MIS) • Reliant (Kore - Tana - Sen - Mako) • Hull (A - B - C - D - E) • 勘探者星际远航者伊德里斯-P标枪

Day Five – Anvil Aerospace

铁砧航天's floor space emphasised its military history and contracts with the 地球联合帝国; but also showed off some of its newer civilian ships for exploration and scanning. Whether buyers were looking for a Hornet to protect themselves or a 水龟 to explore the galaxy, Anvil planned to provide them exactly what they were looking for.

Day Five - Anvil Ship Sales
克拉克坩埚角斗士Hornet(F7C - Ghost - Tracker -Super Hornet) • 军刀伊德里斯-P标枪

Day Six – Origin Jumpworks & Avenger Titan Renegade

Origin 890 跃动 in-flight

Day six featured 起源跃动 and their sleek, stylish ships; most already seen throughout the galaxy.

Additionally, this was the reveal of the 复仇者 追猎, a new ship in the Masters of Flight series produced by 圣盾动力

Day Six - Origin Ship Sales
300 (series) ( 300i - 315p - 325a - 350r ) • M5085X890 跃动复仇者 追猎伊德里斯-P标枪

Day Seven – Exotic Manufacturers

The focus of day seven was the Exotic Ship Manufacturers Council (ESMC) which is a coalition of companies producing strange, exotic, and niche ships. From the 巴努 crafted 行商 to the Merlin snub fighter, these ship design are often innovative, exotic, and simply strange.

Day Seven - Exotic Ship Sales
Merlin卡图-ALMPUV行商ArchimedesStarlinerMustang( Alpha - Beta - Delta - Gamma - Omega ) • 复仇者 追猎伊德里斯-P标枪

Day Eight – Aegis Dynamics & Hornet Wildfire

圣盾动力 rounds out the second-last day of the IAE, displaying its selection of military-turned-civilian ships such as the stealthy 军刀 or the hard-hitting 报复者.

The last Masters of Flight ships was released on this day, the F7C 大黄蜂. Featuring a powerful dogfighting loadout, this modified F7C 大黄蜂 pays tribute to famed pilot Aria Reilly.

Day Eight - Aegis Ship Sales
短剑回收者救赎者行商报复者军刀Avenger( Stalker - Titan - Warlock ) • Vanguard( Warden - Sentinel - Harbinger ) • 星际远航者F7C 大黄蜂伊德里斯-P标枪

Day Nine – Grand Finale

Closing off the IAE, day nine put every previously-featured ship on sale as a grand finale.
