

Interstellar Banu republic of planet-states

巴努保护国 (BP)是一个由行星国家组成的共和国,监管着已知的全部巴努领域。除了特瑞兹星系之外,它位于地球联合帝国南部星系的边境,由至少七个星系组成。这个保护国一直是一个和平和尊重的邻居,通过经济贸易和文化交流与地球联合帝国及其公民建立了密切的关系。[1]


首次与人类接触 (2438)

2438-06-12 3:13 SET, a 跳点探险家维纶·塔尔正在戴维恩星系中搜寻跳点。当他的系统监测到一个接触信号时,他以为那只是另一个探险家,于是开火了,直到意识到那实际上是一艘未知的外星飞船(后面被证实是一艘巴努商船)。他吓了一跳,于是联系了UNE(地球联合国)。一个代表团迅速组建并赶赴现场。两个种族的首次会面会面持续了大约40分钟。最后确认巴努人是因为擅自挪用资金而正在逃离当地官员的追捕。UNE部队被留下等待外星种族的回应。


在2438年10月,UNE与巴努签署了第一个贸易协议,[2] 并开始互相分享种族的科技技术[3]




除了各个自治区内部的公会,保护国本身也有一个政府机构。就像更小的公会一样一样,保护国负责保持一切顺利运转所需的任务,包括与其他文明签订条约、组织大规模资源供给、维护小公会之间的大规模生产链、管理共同货币、减灾、管理进出理事会星系的贸易、保护免受重大入侵力量的袭击,以及化解领域之间的重大纠纷等。 想在保护国中获得席位的巴努人通常是从正在服务的另一名巴努人手中购买。在某些情况下,他们会被指定为下一任接班。不过无论如何,他们仍然需要支付相应的费用。[4]

The leaders (or selected representatives) of each planet will gather for a quorum (aka the Gathering) in Bacchus II to discuss/debate legal and trade issues that affect the entire species. Otherwise, each is left to their own devices to succeed or fail.[3] While they're in power, it's entirely up to them whether to work with one another for the betterment of all Banu, or to pursue their own agendas. The most successful are the ones that can accomplish both at the same time. The least successful are subject to assassination.[4]

The structure of the Protectorate is constantly in flux. If the Protectorate has become overly corrupted, or the planet-states just don't like how they're running things, they might secede as an act of protest. While the planets are capable of surviving on their own, they're usually cut out of the treaties if they rebel, which makes trading with other civilizations difficult for them.[4]


地球联合帝国: Friendly

希安帝国: Friendly.

剜度氏族 clans: Precarious but friendly. This breaks down on a planet-by-planet basis, but generally, the desire for money and trade outweighs loyalties and grudges.


The Banu can pull together a formidable fighting force if needed, but they do not have a dedicated standing army. Instead, the Banu Militia keeps the (relative) peace on a day-to-day basis within their systems. This militia operates on a rotational basis, drawing volunteers (even some criminals) from the various inhabited planets within the system to keep an eye on things in space. To call their approach to law enforcement 'fast and loose' is an understatement.[3]


Suffice it to say, there is a lot of crime in the Banu Protectorate. The woeful lack of communication between the various planet-states means that criminals can simply hop from world to world when his/her current world becomes too dangerous. Since the UEE (even the 地球联合帝国督导局) is forbidden to pursue criminals over the borders, the Banu Protectorate is a haven for UEE criminals. And if an attempt is made to reclaim fugitives through official channels, very few of the Banu planets will extradite any fugitives found on their surface. That hasn't stopped some of the more creative thinkers within the Advocacy from sending Agents undercover, tracking and abducting fugitives, then smuggling them back into UEE space.[3]

One of the biggest dangers that Humans can encounter in the Banu Protectorate is slavery. Thus, it was strongly advised to avoid the "Servant Markets" of 金斯 II for this reason. If one were to be captured by Banu slavers they would most likely be offered the opportunity to purchase their own freedom. There are few companies that offer travelers slavery insurance in case of emergency. For lesser crimes, individuals are expected to hire a security Souli to investigate the theft, of which many are willing to take a percentage of the recovered goods as a fee.[5]



The Protectorate worships the two deities with the greatest following are Cassa, the Patron of Luck, and Taernin, the Great Traveller.

The Protectorate's spiritual center is located in the 特瑞兹星系. While the Gatherings on Bacchus handle the legal and political, "The Council" is responsible for the social and moral dictums that define and direct Banu society.

Their calling requires pure objectivity when dealing with their own race, so they are separated from the rest of their people in so much as is possible.

There are no great Banu pilgrimages, though, so do not expect worshippers to flock to the system. That the Council must be separate from the rest of society is law. Banu monk equivalents do produce elaborate copper-based artwork which has a certain kitsch value; their healers concoct a variety of medicines which have been shown to have a positive effect on human disease.


Trade is the name of the game in the Banu systems. While each of the planets boast their own specific flavor of culture and tradition, a love of money and trade binds them all. Banu worlds are vibrant, dangerous places with criminals and nobles brushing shoulders in the various marketplaces. Anything can be found with the Banu if you have the credits.[3] Banu population centers are always built around a central marketplace to maximize their exposure to goods moving around their planet.[5]

Social structure

Known best for their industrious nature, Banu pride themselves on their artisanal craftsmanship and astute business acumen. Rather than the traditional family units or corporations typically found among Humans, the Banu instead have a societal structure that combines both into one single unit – the 巴努商会. Often translated as 'guild,' the Souli is the foundation for life in the Protectorate, where Banu work and live together. Each Souli specializes in a specific industry and can vary widely; from a ship manufacturing Souli, to a trade Souli, even a Souli that raises Banu young. There is a Souli for everything. This regimented division of labor translates directly into the skilled expertise present on Banu worlds, markets and trade-vessels making for a memorable visit.[5]

Trade and commerce

All contracts made with the Banu have a maximum enforceable duration of one Banu generation. If the involved parties wish to continue the contract, it must be renegotiated.[6]


  1. A Guide to Visiting the Banu Protectorate
  2. 2438 - Hello. 通讯链接
  3. 跳转到: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Writer's Guide: Part Six. 通讯链接
  4. 跳转到: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Smoother Sailing in the Protectorate. 通讯链接
  5. 跳转到: 5.0 5.1 5.2 A Guide to Visiting the Banu Protectorate
  6. Rzpoj1ap4z Banu Human Interstellar Peace Treaty. 银河百科. Retrieved 2022-07-04