Tracker Training Permit Certification

 來自Bounty Hunters Guild的Bounty Hunter任務

Tracker Training Permit Certification
英文名 {{{English}}}
主類型 General
子類型 Bounty Hunter
成本 500
開始地點 Stanton AO
勢力 Bounty Hunters Guild

The Tracker Training Permit is the lowest tier of PVE Bounty Hunting permit offered by the Bounty Hunters Guild. Completing this certification mission opens up bounty missions for Very Low-Risk Target NPCs.



執照表示您有資格跟蹤和逮捕極低風險目標(VLRT),這些一般是會駕駛小型飛船的罪犯,很少有一個以上的護衛人員。 非常適合剛開始涉足該領域的新手賞金獵人。

您必須成功緝拿這個名為(Target Name)的極低風險目標,才能通過認證,他最後一次出現是在(Location).


  • Tracker Training Permit

"This permit issued by the Bounty Hunters Guild certifies that you are qualified to pursue and apprehend Very Low-Risk Targets (VLRT)."

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