
Jesse Baigent

Character in Star Citizen

Jesse Baigent
種族 人類
性別 Male
勢力 UEE
身份地位 UEE Citizen
住所 Consultant, politician
工作 Campaign manager

Jesse Baigent is 地球聯合帝國皇帝 Laylani Addison's husband and campaign manager.

Baigent was born and raised on Terra. Baigent met with Addison on Oya III where he was running an Oya III-based consulting firm focused on increasing Human and 希安 trade. When Addison's career moved to Rhetor they relocated the firm there as well and kept running it until he became Addison's campaign manager. Baigent recently made a name for himself in diplomatic circles when his firm was hired by the UEE government to consult on the HuXa negotiations, allegedly receiving several lucrative contracts related to this work over the years, although his specific involvement in the trade deal remains undisclosed. [1]


  1. Plain Truth: Who Is Addison Beholden To?. 通訊連結. Retrieved 2021-09-27
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