
Homestead Demo


Homestead Demo
Demo TypeLive Gameplay
EventCitizenCon 2017
Game BuildProcedural Planets V2 Build
Associated Game星際公民
Featured Game MechanicsExploration
Atmospheric Flight
Featured Vehicles星座 天鷹座
Dragonfly Yellowjacket
Featured Personal WeaponsArrowhead Rifle
Featured Armor/ClothingExplorer Light Armor
Featured LocationsLeir III

The Homestead Demo, also known as Procedural Planets v2 was part of the CitizenCon 2016 presentation. Its goal was to show the progress of the procedural assistance tools being used by artists for the development of 星際公民.


The demo shows the transition from space into the atmosphere of Leir III as well as atmospheric interefences and the landing on the surface. The player's "task" (model: Joaquim Steiger) is to search for distress signals on the planet.

It shows also an engagement between the 沙漠牧民 and the player. At the end of the demo, the player enters the deck of the crash landed Orpheus Horizon while a sandstorm rages over the wreck.

At the moment when a new group of Sand Nomads on 蜻蜓 vehicles re-appear, a gigantic sandworm (Valakkar) pierces from the bedrock to the surface, killing the Sand Nomads.

The demo ends with an pan out from the surface back into Leir III's orbit. Although this part of the demo sufferent audio desync during the presentation, it was fixed for the youtube upload of the footage.



  • Inspirations for the Homestead Demo were taken from Jakku (Star Wars Episode 7 ), Mad Max - Fury Road and Beyond Thunderdome.[1]
  • Despite being widely regarded to be one of CIG's best demos[缺乏引證], this was originally planned to be just one of two major demos to be shown at CitizenCon 2016. Unfortunately however the Squadron 42 Vertical Slice ended up being delayed until the Holiday Special 2017 stream - over a year later.


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