
Branaugh system

未宣稱的single star
星系類型Single Star
尺寸4 天文單位
發現者Desmond Fell (official)
Theresa Branaugh (deceased during discovery)





布蘭諾星系由Desmond Fell於2877年發現,當時他正在克羅諾斯星系參觀地球聯合帝國合成世界項目。他乘坐他的第一艘船——一艘裝有特殊掃描模塊的破舊Aurora——前往那裡。憑藉這艘船,他發現了一個通向未知空間的跳躍點。在返回克羅諾斯補充補給和燃料後,他回去繪製了該星系的地圖,發現了三顆圍繞一顆K型主序星運行的行星。Desmond Fell探索了布蘭諾星系中唯一位於宜居區邊緣的行星Branaugh II。其岩石表面看起來沒有任何生命,可能是由於表面的風暴和強風所致。Fell卻發現了一艘似乎爆炸了的半埋船隻。在附近的一個小洞穴中,他發現了一具屍體。Fell向運輸和導航部提交了一個跳躍點發現表,並向倡導局提交了一份報告。 當帝國調查員評估該星系時,來自克羅諾斯星系海軍調查部倡導局特工組成的聯合工作組對此奇怪情況展開了調查。由於跳躍點尺寸有限,調查行動受到了阻礙,調查員無法將大型運輸工具帶入星系。最終,倡導局確認了屍體的身份是Theresa Branaugh,一名失蹤近四年的探險家

Theresa Branaugh的最後一篇日記[1]

利用從她的朋友、家人以及她的mobiGlas中提取的所有研究資料,特工們成功編寫了一份報告。與Desmond Fell類似,Theresa Branaugh也是一名獨自行駛的探險家。她因負債纍纍而向任何能借錢的人借款以繼續前行。這就是為什麼在她最初失蹤時,警方懷疑她只是與一個高利貸者發生了衝突。然而,布蘭諾發現了新的星系,並遇到了將該星系作為藏身之地的人。為了這件事,布蘭諾喪命,而倡導局未能找到任何兇手的線索。這個案子至今仍未解決。Desmond Fell被她的悲慘命運所打動,因此決定以她的名字命名這個星系。[1]



摘自Dr. Ellis Vonat對擴展參議院小組委員會的研究總結[1]

New inhabitants

2928年,一名ICC製圖師前往該星系進行一系列長距離掃描,發現自地球聯合帝國放棄該星系後,塔維因人多年來一直在逐漸遷入該星系。這些在第二次特瓦林戰爭失敗後被同化入政府的特瓦林人,在UEE中感到迷茫和漂泊不定。一些人試圖接受他們的新政府,但也有一些人陷入了沮喪之中。布蘭諾星系恰好提供了這些特瓦林人所尋找的東西:一個未被使用和忽視的宇宙角落,在那裡他們可以被遺忘。儘管環境惡劣,特瓦林人還是設法將Branaugh II及其小行星帶變成了他們的家。[1]

Gravitational governers


Branaugh is a Main Sequence Dwarf-K star.


Branaugh I

A terrestrial rocky planet on a rapid orbit around the star.

Branaugh II

Featuring a beautiful set of planetary rings, this world is barely habitable, even though it is positioned on the edge of the green zone. The planet consists of rocky terrain, initially devoid of any life, possibly due to the storms and heavy winds on the surface.[1] UEE surveyors concluded in their assessment that the effort to extract the planet's resources far outweighed the benefits. The Tevarin Diaspora, however, slowly congregated to the system to live with minimal outside interference. Their collective effort has somehow made the planet livable without terraforming.

When Tevarin began to migrate to the planet, they initially took over the outposts and structures originally used by the UEE Pathfinders to study the planet and subsequently abandoned. As more settlers arrived, most claimed their own isolated corner of the planet as their own, but some built around this initial cluster of outposts to create the closest thing Branaugh II has to a town. Named Ne'er (a mispronunciation of the Cathcart slang term 'now'er' for 'nowhere'), this sprawling frontier town has become the main trading hub for the planet, exchanging goods and services with those travelling through, as well as providing a place for locals to pick up supplies.[1]

Branaugh III

A gas giant where Tevarin-built refineries collect hydrogen fuel. Nicknamed "Tempest" for its continual planetwide storms, this sprawling gas giant offers the other source of income for the system. Settlers on Branaugh II have set up harvesting facilities to refine the planet's gases.[1]

Asteroid belts

Belt Alpha

Belt Alpha is located between the planets Branaugh II and Branaugh III. This staggered belt of asteroids provides the bulk of the system's income. Residents and smaller mining operations set up digs on the various asteroids to mine and trade out-of-system. Again, thanks to the restricted nature of the jump point, none of the larger mining companies can get their larger machines in here, keeping it open for independent operators. Pilots should be careful though; several of the more reclusive 塔維因 settlers who find Branaugh II 'too populated' live in the belt. Most locals will even avoid travelling through this belt if necessary, as a handful ships reportedly vanish here every year.[1]

Known jump points

Jump Gate Type Size Destination
Branaugh - Chronos Medium 克洛諾斯星系




  1. 移至: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Galactic Guide: Branaugh System. 通訊鏈接

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