


2548 (Next)

Template:Infobox year

Standard Earth Year (SEY): 2547 is best known for the succession of the UPE(地球行星聯合國 ) into the 地球聯合帝國 under Prime Citizen - then 地球聯合帝國皇帝 - Ivar Messer, marking the start of the 梅塞爾王朝.

Upon Ivar Messer's election as the first and last Prime Citizen in late 2546, it isn't long before he restructures the government into the new United Empire of Earth (UEE) and anoints himself Imperator in early 2947, ushering in an age of interstellar monarchy under the Messer family, praised for security, expansionism and military prowess, yet fraught with corruption, draconian laws and injustice that would increase in brutality as their reign continued. Ivar stakes his authority on the use of speechcraft, being eminently quotable, particularly stoking a fear of the dangers posed by aliens, enticing a populace recovering from the fallout of the 第一次塔維因戰爭 and ongoing Xi'an-Human Cold War. This rhetoric manages to pigeonhole the now supposedly UEE-integrated 塔維因 species into being seen as less than 人類. Ivar Messer's rise to power is not remembered fondly by the people of the UEE, seen now as a fascist dictator and tyrant who abused historical circumstances for his own gain.

See also

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