


Ships in Star Citizen may be purchased either with real cash, or in-game currency (aUEC). Ships purchased with cash are called "Pledges" and are permanently attached to your Star Citizen account. These purchases help fund the development of 星際公民 and 42中隊.

Pledge ships can be bought as standalone purchases, as ship upgrades, or with game packages. The first option results in a ship being added to an existing RSI account, but it does not give access to Star Citizen (this makes it most useful for existing backers). The second option replaces a ship that is currently on an account with a more expensive ship while charging only the difference in value between the two ships. The third option includes access to Star Citizen with the ship purchase.

To purchase ships for real currency, see: Pledge Store


Ships have different availability for various reasons, set by CIG:

  • Always available - Common
  • Time-limited - Uncommon ships - put on sale from time to time.
  • Quantity-limited - Rare ships - Batches of ships offered for short periods.
  • Promotion only - Only purchasable through promotion offers
  • Not available - Certain alien or military exclusive ships.

In game

Visit a ship dealer such as New Deal to buy your new ride in game.

Ships can also be purchased in game, using aUEC, earned from in-game activities such as Mining and 貨物 hauling. These purchased ships are fully available for modification, painting, and destruction.

Note: Rarely, the developers may "wipe" all aUEC-purchased ships as part of the Pre-Alpha testing phase. These wipes are very rare and usually announced months in advance.

Ships may be purchased at in-game ship shops, such as Astro Armada, New Deal, or the Crusader Industries Showroom and may also be rented for some amount of time using aUEC.


Updated: 2022年04月9日 (2年前) (2022-04-09) - Alpha 3.17 PTU
Manufacturer Ship Base Price Astro Armada


Crusader Showroom


New Deal


AEGS 復仇者 追獵 882,200
AEGS 復仇者 泰坦 785,600
AEGS 復仇者 術士 1,155,500
AEGS 日蝕 3,490,000
AEGS 短劍 1,169,900
AEGS 錘頭鯊 12,459,900
AEGS 回收者 15,126,400
AEGS 救贖者 8,675,500
AEGS Retaliator 4,031,700
AEGS 軍刀 2,183,300
AEGS 先鋒 先驅者 2,050,500
AEGS 先鋒 重裝兵 3,104,200
AEGS 先鋒 哨兵 2,012,000
AEGS 先鋒 典獄長 3,387,800
ANVL 箭矢 972,300
ANVL 弩炮 364,500
ANVL C8X 雙魚座 遠征 406,000
ANVL 克拉克 26,657,500
ANVL F7C 大黃蜂 1,492,700
ANVL F7C-C Hornet Ghost 1,654,100
ANVL F7C-M 超級大黃蜂 2,132,600
ANVL F7C-R 大黃蜂 追蹤者 1,832,100
ANVL 角鬥士 1,954,500
ANVL 獵鷹 1,284,400
ANVL 颶風 1,218,300
ANVL 斯巴達 255,500
ANVL 水龜 2,568,100
ANVL 女武神 4,454,400
XNAA 卡圖-AL 2,113,900
XNAA Nox 349,200
ARGO 鼴鼠 5,130,500
ARGO MPUV 貨運 224,200
ARGO MPUV 客運 233,000
ARGO 木筏 1,853,000
BANU 防衛者 2,781,000
CNOU 懸浮駟 88,000
CNOU 野馬 阿爾法 251,400
CNOU 野馬 貝塔 404,000
CNOU 野馬 德爾塔 763,600
CNOU 野馬 伽馬 627,500
CNOU 游牧者 952,800
CRUS 戰神 地獄火 2,859,000
CRUS 戰神 離子光 2,859,000
CRUS A2 大力神 星際運輸船 5,525,000
CRUS C2 大力神 星際運輸船 4,925,500
CRUS M2 大力神 星際運輸船 5,225,300
CRUS 墨丘利 星際快運船 4,912,500
DRAK 掠奪者 1,410,100
DRAK 毛蟲 4,686,600
DRAK 黑彎刀 1,385,300
DRAK 藍彎刀 2,493,500
DRAK 紅彎刀 1,810,500
DRAK 鋼彎刀 1,355,300
DRAK 蜻蜓 272,700
DRAK 信使 1,181,100
ESPR 刀鋒 3,370,600
ESPR 徘徊 4,248,200
ESPR 利爪 1,854,500
ESPR 利爪 伯勞 2,259,200
GRIN PTV 5,145
GRIN ROC 172,000
GRIN ROC-DS 176,500
KRIG P-52 梅林 135,500
MISC 自由槍騎兵 1,697,600
MISC 自由槍騎兵 DUR 1,967,600
MISC 自由槍騎兵 MAX 2,181,500
MISC 自由槍騎兵 MIS 2,537,800
MISC 勘探者 2,061,000
MISC 剃刀 1,761,200
MISC 剃刀 EX 1,878,800
MISC 剃刀 LX 1,823,800
MISC 信賴 基礎 744,700
MISC 信賴 新聞 780,000
MISC 信賴 科考 840,000
MISC 信賴 武裝 870,000
MISC 星際遠航者 6,651,500
MISC 星際遠航者 雙子座 6,191,500
ORIG 85X 574,500
ORIG 100i 654,000
ORIG 125a 791,000
ORIG 135c 839,000
ORIG 300i 767,200
ORIG 315p 882,600
ORIG 325a 944,200
ORIG 350r 1,602,100
ORIG 400i 6,352,700
ORIG 600i 探索 9,475,100
ORIG 600i 旅遊 9,894,000
ORIG 890 躍動 32,294,500
ORIG M50 1,193,800
RSI 極光 CL 487,600
RSI 極光 ES 124,100
RSI 極光 LN 338,400
RSI 極光 LX 245,500
RSI 極光 MR 184,900
RSI 星座 仙女座 3,548,000
RSI 星座 天鷹座 4,926,700
RSI 星座 鳳凰座 5,658,800
RSI 星座 金牛座 3,256,400
RSI 螳螂 1,230,000
RSI 大熊座 70,267
TMBL 旋風 28,086
TMBL 旋風 AA 28,086
TMBL 旋風 RC 28,086
TMBL 旋風 RN 28,086
TMBL 旋風 TR 28,086
TMBL 新星 546,027
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