
十-L5 美麗峽谷站

Rest Stop

CRU-L5 Beautiful Glen Station
類型 空間站
分類 Rest Stop
星系 斯坦頓星系
軌道所在星球 十字軍
是否宜居 Yes
歸屬 地球聯合帝國
所有者 休息&放鬆
商店 Administration Office
Kel-To Medical Clinic
EZ Hab
Live Fire Weapons
Platinum Bay
Black Market
Hot Dog Shop
Juice Bar
Noodle Bar
Ship Weapons Shop

CRU-L5 Beautiful Glen Station is a 休息&放鬆 owned Rest Stop located in 十字軍's L5 Lagrangian point.

In-game description

Located at the L5 Lagrange point of Crusader (Stanton II), Rest & Relax's Beautiful Glen Station offers a wide variety of shops and services for the weary traveler including: Refueling, Restocking, Ship Components, Ship Weapons, Personal Weapons, Clothing, Food, and Habs.

Gas cloud composition

Density (at Beautiful Glen Station): 0.01 atm
Element Name Amount
He Helium 50%[1]
H Hydrogen 50%[1]

Visitor information

Travel Map marker
Quantum marker
Hazards None
Control Jurisdiction 十字軍工業
Comm-array coverage
Armistice zone
Private property
Landing accomodation
Pads Small Medium Large X-large
Hangars Small Medium Large X-large
Surface landing Unavailable

Stores & services

Service Provider
Commodity trading Trading console
'No questions asked' trading console
Delivery handling Covalex delivery vendor machine
Repair, rearm & refuel Request on landing
Weapons & utilities Live Fire Weapons
Ship components Platinum Bay
Ship weapons Unnamed ship weapon store
Ship spawning Fleet management terminal
Fine payment Fine payment terminal
Medical Services Medical clinic

Food & drink

Storable items can be kept within your personal storage and consumed later.

Store Food
Hotdog store X
Noodle bar X X


Last updated with info from patch 3.7.

Commodity Buy Sell
Aluminum 1.24
蒸餾酒精 5.05
氫氣 1.03
醫療用品 18.1
加工食品 1.39
廢料 1.35
「冠軍」 171.63
斯酊姆煙草 3.45
垃圾 0.005
"黑寡婦" 123


Since Alpha 3.8, the quantum travel marker for the space station has been removed. The best way to access it is to fly towards the biggest rock and you will eventually see the station.


R&R CRU-L5.png


  1. 1.0 1.1 In-game survey, 2021-07-29


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