
赫-L2 堅貞夢想站

Rest Stop

HUR-L2 Faithful Dream Station
類型 空間站
分類 Rest Stop
星系 斯坦頓星系
軌道所在星球 赫斯頓
是否宜居 Yes
歸屬 地球聯合帝國
所有者 休息&放鬆
商店 Administration Office
Kel-To Medical Clinic
EZ Hab
Mining Support Center
Live Fire Weapons
Platinum Bay
Ship Weapons
Ship Rental
Noodle Bar
Pizza Shop

HUR-L2 Faithful Dream Station is a 休息&放鬆 owned Rest Stop located in 赫斯頓's L2 Lagrangian point.

In-game description

Located at the L2 Lagrange point of Hurston (Stanton I), Rest & Relax's Faithful Dream Station offers a wide variety of shops and services for the weary traveler including: Refueling, Restocking, Ship Components, Ship Weapons, Personal Weapons, Clothing, Food, and Habs. Also features a Refinery.

Refinery Services

Material Specializations
Material Yield
Aluminium (Ore) +2%
Bexalite (Raw) -3%
Borase (Ore) +4%
Copper (Ore) +3%
Hephaestanite +2%
Taranite (Raw) -4%
Titanium (Ore) -3%

Mining Support Center

Last updated with information from Alpha 3.16

Mining Laser Heads
Laser Size Price (aUEC)
Helix I 1 108,000
Hofstede-S2 2 12,750
Impact II 2 57,750
Klein-S1 1 10,150
Klein-S2 2 10,150
Lancet MH1 1 23,500
Mining Modules
Module Price (aUEC)
FLTR-L 18,000
Focus 4,000
Focus II 12,000
Focus III 40,000
Forel 1,950
Lifeline 800
Optimum 3,000
Rieger 6,000
Rieger-C3 60,000
Rime 1,100
Stampede 1,400
Torpid 1,950
Torrent 4,000
Torrent III 40,000
Vaux 2,000
Vaux-C3 20,000
XTR 2,000
XTR-L 6,000
XTR-XL 20,000

Nearby Resources

The asteroids at HUR-L2 are composed of the following raw elements:[1]

  • Aluminium
  • Bexalite
  • Borase
  • Corundum
  • Diamond
  • Gold
  • Titanium


R&R HUR-L2.jpg


  1. In-game prospecting, 2020-12-18


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