
Caliban system

Vanduul的single star
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Caliban system
星系类型Single Star
尺寸9 天文单位
恒星类型Main Sequence Dwarf-G
发现时间2341 (before, actual)
2341 (official)
发现者Unknown (actual)
Ashleigh Gonn (official)

The Caliban system is a former 地球联合帝国 (UEE) system lost during the The Fall of Caliban in 2884.

"Caliban is a former UEE system lost during the Vanduul push. The Fall of Caliban in 2884 is famous for being the last time a Vanduul Kingship was in UEE space. The ensuing battle also featured the Lost Squad's last stand against overwhelming odds. Over six decades later, both worlds remain a feast for the harvesters of roaming Vanduul Clans."

The system was reportedly discovered in 2341 by Ashleigh Gonn, a hauler working in the Nul System. When pirates swarmed her, she Quantum traveled to evade and scanned for potential tracking pirates. Instead, she uncovered a spacial anomaly that turned out to be a Small 跳跃点 connecting to the Caliban System. Gonn immediately turned in the data to the UNE(地球联合国) and named the system after her father, and then vanished from the public eye. However, when pathfinders moved into the system they found an abandoned human settlement on Caliban 4f containing valuable ores, bringing her claim of discovery into dispute.[1]

Gravitational governers


Caliban is a Main Sequence Dwarf-G star.


Caliban I

A small coreless world that has been mined of all its resources.

Crion : Caliban II

Prior to the Vanduul incursion, this small terraformed world was home to millions of 人类s. Now Vanduul harvesters chew through the remnants of Human civilization.

Caliban III

A desert world that was being terraformed when the Vanduul arrived. It began to revert to its original form when the terraforming machinery crashed into the planet.

Caliban IV

A gas giant composed of massive clouds of silicate and iron that give it a grey-green color.

Caliban V

A protoplanet lacking an atmosphere.

Asteroid belts

The Caliban system contains one asteroid belt, Belt Alpha is located between the planets Caliban III and Caliban IV.

Known jump points

Jump Gate Type Size Destination
Caliban - Oberon Medium Oberon system
Caliban - Orion Medium Orion system
Caliban - Viking Medium Viking system
Caliban - Nul Small 纽尔星系

Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy



  1. 1.0 1.1 Comm-Link:Around the Verse - Party like it's 2948. 通讯链接

