Usuni Colo

Character in Star Citizen

Usuni Colo
种族 人类
生于 2941 (before)
上级组织 UEE
住所 Explorer, Surveyor

Usuni Colo is a human explorer working for the 帝国制图中心. They are known for their discovery of the 卡巴尔星系. Usuni discovered the jump point to the system on 2941.03.11. They were originally on their way to Elysium, after getting expelled by the 局外者 from Mya.[1][2]


  1. Galactic Guide - Kabal System. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2022-09-06
  2. News Update: Advocacy Archive. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2022-09-06

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