
Teach's Ship Shop

业务范围为vehicle sales的Human公司

折叠Teachs Ship Shop logo.png
Teach's Ship Shop
产业Vehicle sales
产品Ground vehicles, spacecraft
所属地区列夫斯基, 德拉玛, 尼克斯星系

Teach's Ship Shop is a ship dealer in 列夫斯基, 德拉玛, 尼克斯星系. They are the primary dealership for 德雷克行星际 spacecraft on 德拉玛 in 尼克斯星系. Before Alpha 3.12.1, Delmar was temporarily relocated to the 斯坦顿星系 in the 持续性宇宙, it has been removed since then and will be reachable in the game once the Nyx system is available.[1]

Ship prices

(Please be aware that Teach's Ship Shop is currently not in the game. All the ships originally sold here can be bought at the other 2 locations: New Deal and Astro Armada The following entries are currently kept for historical and formating reasons)

Last updated: 2020年10月22日; 4年前 (2020-10-22) (Alpha 3.11.0)
Manufacturer Ship aUEC
铁砧航天 Hornet F7C 1,492,700
南船座宇航 MPUV 货运 224,200
MPUV Transport 233,000
德雷克行星际 掠夺者 1,410,100
毛虫 4,686,600
黑弯刀 1,385,300
蓝弯刀 2,493,500
红弯刀 1,810,500
蜻蜓 272,700
信使 1,181,100
埃斯佩里亚 Blade 3,370,600
灰猫工业 Buggy (PTV) 5,145
武藏工业与星航株式会社 勘探者 2,061,000
罗伯茨太空工业 极光 CL 487,600
极光 LN 338,400
盾博尔地面系统 旋风 28,531




  1. Delamar & Levski are going home on Spectrum. Retrieved 2021-04-07