Takuetsu “Armin Trask” Replica Figure - Centurion


Takuetsu "Armin Trask" Replica Figure - Centurion
ObtainmentCenturion or Imperator Subscription
Retroactive Price$5.00
ReleasedFebruary 2948 (2018)
AttachmentSurface S2

Not every hero can be found dogfighting through space, some heroes can see every day. Part of Takuetsu's Citizen Series, this exquisitely crafted figure depicts an outpost worker doing what they do best: surviving. Modeled with a Gyson Ready-Up and 焦焰 RYT 多功能工具, this worker's ready to tackle all the hardships and repairs needed to maintain an outpost in an inhospitable environment.[1]


  1. February 2948 Subscriber Flair. 通讯链接

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