Star Kart Racing


Star Kart Racing refers to an in-game sport that involves using PTV "karts" to race across premade indoor or outdoor tracks.


文件:Btr poster coming soon 02.png
In-game poster announcing BTR.

The sport was first hinted at with an in-game poster showing up at 奥里森, announcing a future event called Buggy Track Racing to occur at 远见中心. It was then officially announced by 云间帝国游戏 as a game feature during an Inside Star Citizen episode on 2022-08-04. Here they showed the indoor racetrack and mentioning it to be implemented for Update:Star Citizen Alpha 3.18.0.[1]


  1. Inside Star Citizen: Star Kart Racing. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2022-08-14

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