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These are the patch notes for Spectrum Alpha 0.3.0e.
New Features
- Added additional server-side analytics to track room traffic
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Minor adjustments to legalese text in Spectrum About.
- Fixed a bug where going from a new private lobby to a public one would cause a crash. (Thanks @Kefeinzel)
- Hopefully fixed private lobby read count resetting across multiple browser tabs
- Fixed a bug where UTF Russian characters would prevent Spectrum from loading
- Temporarily added special handling for lobby presence list on large lobby groups (no longer expandable)
- Fixed a bug where private lobby server error would cause and infinite load loop
- Fixed the layer index for the mention and command completers
- Fixed layer index for the message input versus the modal windows
- Eliminated console log spam from production build
- Fixed a bug where closing a private lobby would cause an application error when over the lobby limit
- Fixed a bug in forums where the channel thread count would be missing one page.
- Fixed a bug where server-side presence updates were sent multiple times
- Fixed OpenGraph generation in Spectrum pages to truncate it's content
- Increased the Away TTL to 15 minutes (from 5 __minutes__)
Known Issues
- Emoji list is missing Unicode 9 latest updates (No avocado or salt shaker WHAT!)
- On mobile, the message input closes when you type. It's bad. We're on it!
- We are investigating client performance rendering the user presence lists. We're on it!
"General, prepare your troops for a surface attack."
Benoit Beausejour, CTO of Turbulent