
Rayari Inc.

业务范围为scientific research的人类公司

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Rayari Inc.
产业Scientific research
总部所在地Vosca, Elysium
创建者Edward Kesamyn
Clara Douglas
Asif Reader
创建于公元2803年; 152年 前 (2803) in 盖隆 II, 盖隆星系

Rayari Inc. is a scientific research organization which was incorporated around 2803 by Edward Kesamyn, Clara Douglas and Asif Reader.[1] It is considered one of the leading agricultural technology and development companies in the UEE despite taking a more commercial direction in recent decades. Rayari labs can be found in many locations, performing a wide variety of groundbreaking experiments in space and on planets, all in the hopes of finding the next breakthrough that propels Humanity further into the future.[2]

Growing the Plants of Tomorrow

Some of the company's genetically engineered flora are on display throughout The Commons and the rest of 新巴贝奇 in a hope to "inspire a whole new generation of terraformational expansion."

Name Description Image
Dracaena Pura Designed to be grown in wet soil and marshland, the dracaena pura acts as a natural aquifer, cleaning water as it passes through its root system. The height of the plant helps it distribute the pollutants it collects to a lower toxicity level to which it can successfully cope. Flora-DracaenaPura-NewBabbage.jpg
Elysian Bloom This carnivorous plant catches insects with the sticky resin it secretes, allowing it to no only act as an exterminator for unwanted pests, but also survive in severely nitrogen-depleted soil. Flora-ElysianBloom-NewBabbage.jpg
Flight-of-Fancy Created to help alleviate symptoms caused by other airborne allergens, the pollen from the flight-of-fancy's bright flowers is a natural antihistamine and is capable of blocking histamine receptors. As a bonus, its large broad leaves provide ample shade, making them ideal to plant near habitat areas. Flora-FlightOfFancy-NewBabbage.jpg
Fortress Palm The designers of this plant wanted to protect it from as many herbivore tactics as possible to ensure that its harvest could reach full maturity undisturbed while leaving it non-toxic. The spikes along the trunk makes climbing difficult, the bark appears diseased and dead, and the leaves contain barbed alkaloids that cause extreme pain with skin contact. DO NOT TOUCH. Flora-FortressPalm-NewBabbage.jpg
Giboshi Bane The leaves of this plant were crafted by engineers to excrete an oil that serves as a natural insect repellent. It is hoped that by planting it in symbiosis with other more valuable crops that it can serve as a deterrent to harmful pests. Flora-GiboshiBane-NewBabbage.jpg
Grand Flabellum When worlds are first being settled, high winds can be a serious issue until enough plant life can take hold. The grand flabellum with its wide leaf structure and deep root system act as erosion breaks, helping to protect more delicate plants and structures. Flora-GrandFlabellum-NewBabbage.jpg
Haldor Lily The closely woven structure of the haldor lilies provide them with extreme strength and durability. Suitable for planets plagued with torrential storms or swarming insects, this lily is one of the hardier plants ever fabricated. Flora-HaldorLily-NewBabbage.jpg
Midnight Calathea Created to be able to survive in near no-light conditions. The resulting altered chlorophyll structure gives the plant its dark coloring and unique woven-like texture. It is hoped that this research will help populate worlds with long night cycles. Flora-MidnightCalathea-NewBabbage.jpg
Sail Casia Related to the colocasia, this plant features enormous broad leaves that are pliable and water resistant, making it an ideal plastic substitute on remote worlds. Additionally, its sprawling root structure is an edible starch when cooked. Flora-SailCasia-NewBabbage.jpg
Storm Rider Palm The unique leaves of this palm variant show a huge leap in bio-engineering possibilities thanks to their meticulously designed aerodynamic structure that allows the plant to endure hurricane-strength winds. Flora-StormRiderPalm-NewBabbage.jpg
Yellow Puglath Derived from a 希安 desert plant, the many ridges along its trunk are ideal for capturing early morning dew in arid climates. The internal storage cells can collect up to a gallon of drinking water a day in the right conditions. Flora-YellowPuglath-NewBabbage.jpg

Other Products

  • Ceprozin, a side-effect free drug against inflammation and pain.

Owned Property

Rayari operates in multiple systems and has established numerous bases of operation:

System Planet Moon Locations
Stanton 十字军 赛琳 Hickes Research Outpost
耶拉 Deakins Research Outpost
赫斯顿 玛格达 HDMS-Hahn
依塔 HDMS-Ryder
microTech Rayari Deltana Research OutpostRayari Livengood Research Outpost
卡利俄佩 Rayari Anvik Research OutpostRayari Kaltag Research Outpost
克利俄 Rayari Cantwell Research OutpostRayari McGrath Research Outpost


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  1. Jump Point (magazine) (Issue 05.06, page 19)
  2. Portfolio: Rayari. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2021-03-16