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疾迅医者业务 | ||
语言 | 英语 | |
投入 | 普通 | |
重点 | 医疗应急响应 | |
时区 | 环球 | |
总部 | 微科星,新巴贝奇 | |
领导人 | Tr1stan | |
创始人 | Tristan Omnites | |
创始日期 | 2949 | |
网站 | http://medrunner.space | |
Discord服务器 | https://discord.gg/KytjKQm |
A MEDRUNNER TEAM is a five member group, acting as a emergency response unit for the organization. These teams are deployed within different star systems in order to respond to local beacons or get dispatched by a Dispatcher through other ways of communication.
The typical MEDRUNNER TEAM consists of...
- One Pilot: The teams are nothing without their ships and their ships are nothing without their pilots. Medrunner pilots need to find the quickest transport routes while avoiding natural hazards and hostile aggressors. Even more than security specialists, pilots need to function under heavy pressure and make decisions affecting the whole team.
- Two Security Specialists: Their Security Specialists are trained to secure the landing zones of their vessels and engage hostile aggressors if necessary. They are equipped with heavy armour and carry extensive armament to ensure operation success.
- Two Medical Technicians: They are the essential part of the team. These lightly armed paramedics are trained to provide emergency medical services to the client in need. They carry all necessary equipment on their body to secure the clients life and stabilize victims for transportation.
MEDRUNNER offers everything that is connected to search & rescue operations. They are able to help when you are stranded and at least 50 km away from civilization, your life is threatened by an injury and there is no medical aid around or your character is unconcious and at risk of death. If you fullfill one of these criterias you can report your emergency on their website. If the recovery operation is successfull, MEDRUNNER is asking for donations in form of UEC. If the operations was in a potentially dangerous environment expect moderate UEC bills.
Besides accepting emergency reports on their website, MEDRUNNER is also on the lookout for distress beacons in-game. If a MEDRUNNER TEAM is online in your star system you can expect them to respond if a beacon is created. This is limited to medical emergencies and transport requests. MEDRUNNER will not respond to combat situations.
Additionally you can purchase a subscription plan on the MEDRUNNER website and pay for it with UEC in-game. If your monthly payment is active, you will have access to the MRS Emergency Response Services without any additional costs and with special benefits.
MEDRUNNER plans to introduce several different subscription levels to offer more benefits (Danger Levels, Health Care Benefits, Aggression Levels, etc...) for higher payments. This subscription system is planned to go online in the future, and is not operational at this time.
For special community events like races, PvP battles and all other events placed in the open world of Star Citizen, MEDRUNNER offers special event services. Event organizers can contact them and add medical services, respawn points and other amenities to their events. Usually these services will be offered for free, if the event will benefit MEDRUNNERs public relations.
MRS is offering different career paths on the careers portal of their website. Players can join one of their rescue teams by becoming a pilot, security specialist or medical technician and use medical ships in order to respond to emergency calls.
If players want to apply for the organization, they can do so on the careers portal. The button "Apply" will send them to the recruitment channel of the MEDRUNNER Discord server.
Besides service in a MEDRUNNER TEAM, players can also join different departments in order to get access to more trusted roles within the organization that involve administrative rights and obligations.
The Finance Department is responsible for all financial operations of the organisation. They watch over customers, payments and logistics. An entry level role to join this department is the Accountant. Accountants are responsible for the administration of customer and billing data.
Other roles within this department:
- Senior Accountant
- Sales Manager
This department is responsible for everything that involves medical gameplay and the training and guidance of medical technicians. They develope medical guidelines for MEDRUNNER TEAMs and are the connection between MEDRUNNERs executives and the medical staff. An entry level role within this department is the Emergency Physician. This role represents the basic member of the medical department, an advanced form of the medical technician which is assisting with tasks outside of the game. Additionally, emergency physicians can serve on capital class vessels as medical personnel.
Other roles within this department:
- Chief Medical Technician
- Medical Logistics Officer
- Medical Instructor
The Security Department is watching over security guidelines and logistics. They are also responsible for the fleet of the organization, conduct escort operations and make sure that security specialists are trained properly. An entry level role in this department is the Security Guard. The guards are the basic member of the security department and are responsible for securing outposts and capital ships while assisting with work outside of the game. Guards can also be deployed as paramilitary forces if necessary.
Other roles within this department:
- Security Officer
- Security Logistics Officer
- Security Instructor
The Human Resource Department is responsible for all administrative tasks involving members and personnel of the organization. They watch over active members, hand out demotions or promotions and enforce the rules. They also assist with recruitment. You can join the department as a Recruitment Assistant.
Other roles within this department:
- Recruitment Officer
- HR Administrator
The IT Department is focused on the technical aspect of the organization. They are responsible for caring for the website and web applications supporting the tasks of MEDRUNNER operations. The org is looking for Technical Assistants who are willing to work on web applications to make org-life easier or want to assist with social media administration.
Other roles within this department:
- Technical Manager
- IT Director
This organization is committed to provide immersion for their players and clients. Although no full roleplay is required, they want to focus on finding their place within the Star Citizen universe and act like an entity that is actually part of the game. Members are asked to only talk about in-game topics when on a mission and interact with the client in an immersive way.
MEDRUNNER is active on several social media accounts. They put a lot of effort in their websites and accounts in order to maintain the feeling that MEDRUNNER is an actual corporation within the universe of Star Citizen. You can visit them on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and on their very own website.