This documentation is transcluded from Module:Cite RSI/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
This module is unused.This module is neither invoked by a template nor required/loaded by another module. If this is in error, make sure to add
/{{No documentation}}
to the calling template's or parent's module documentation. Module:Cite RSI requires
Module:Cite RSI requires
模块:Cite RSI实现了模板{{Cite RSI}}
local p = {}
local args
--- Helper function checking if a substring is in a string
-- @param needle string - Value to search for
-- @param haystack string - String to search in
-- @return bool - True if found
local function stringContains( needle, haystack )
return string.find( mw.ustring.lower( haystack ), needle, 1, true )
--- Remove hyphen and format string into title case
-- @param title string
-- @return string
local function formatTitle( title )
local titleCase = require( 'Module:String2' ).title
if title and title ~= '' then
-- Replace hyphens with space
title = string.gsub( title, '-', ' ' )
-- Format into title case
title = titleCase{ args={ title } }
return title
-- @param url string
-- @return string
local function sanitizeURL( url )
local santizedURL
if stringContains('', url) then
-- Remove 'www.' from the link
santizedURL = mw.ustring.gsub( url, 'www%.', '' )
-- Add "" to url if it is not present
santizedURL = '' .. url
return santizedURL
--- Determine which type of RSI website it is
-- @param url string - RSI website URL
-- @return string - Site type or nil if unknown
local function getType( url )
local type
-- type后面接的就是引用列表里条目后显示的简短文字
if stringContains( '/comm-link/', url ) then
type = '通讯链接'
elseif stringContains( '/galactapedia/', url ) then
type = '银河百科'
elseif stringContains( '/Spectrum/', url ) then
type = '光谱论坛'
elseif stringContains( '/pledge/', url ) then
type = 'Pledge Store'
elseif stringContains( '/starmap', url ) then
type = '方舟星图'
elseif stringContains( '/issue-council', url ) then
type = '问题理事会'
elseif stringContains( 'support.robertsspaceindustries', url ) then
type = 'Knowledge Base'
type = nil
return type
local function getSubtype( url, type )
local subtype = nil
if type == 'Comm-Link' then
subtype = string.match( url, '/comm%-link/([%w-]+)/%d+-[%w-]+' )
return formatTitle( subtype )
local function getTitle( url, type )
local titleText
local throwError = function()
return error( 'Title can not be generated, please fill in the text parameter.' )
-- Auto title generation, might not be accurate since special characters
-- are escaped in the URL
-- e.g. /comm-link/transmission/14710-Starfarer-Q-A-Part-1
if type == 'Comm-Link' then
titleText = string.match( url, '/comm%-link/[%w-]+/%d+-([%w-]+)' )
-- e.g. /article/0j46Lzl8xm-torral-aggregate
elseif type == 'Galactapedia' then
titleText = 'Galactapedia: ' .. string.match( url, '/article/%w+-([%w-]+)' )
-- NOTE: Only support threads at the moment
-- e.g. /thread/star-citizen-alpha-3-13-0-live-7319707-patch-notes
elseif type == 'Spectrum' then
titleText = string.match( url, '/thread/%w+-([%w-]+)' )
-- e.g. /hc/en-us/categories/360000295274-Updates-and-Info
elseif type == 'Knowledge Base' then
titleText = string.match( url, '/hc/.+/.+/%d+-([%w-]+)' )
-- Will still try its best to extact a title
local urlParts = mw.text.split(url, '[/]')
titleText = urlParts[ #urlParts ]
return formatTitle( titleText )
-- NOTE: Don't have internal link support yet
function p.main( frame )
if args == nil then
args = require( 'Module:Arguments' ).getArgs( frame )
local url = sanitizeURL( args.url )
local type = getType( url )
local date = args.accessdate
local title
local output
if args.text then
title = args.text
title = getTitle( url, type )
-- Maybe there is a smarter way?
output = '<cite class="citation rsi_site">' ..
'<span class="metadata citation-icon" title="RSI site">[[File:RSIsite.svg|x11px|link=]]</span>' ..
'[' .. url .. ' ' .. title .. ']'
if type then
local subtype = getSubtype( url, type )
output = output .. '. '
if subtype then
output = output .. '<i>' .. subtype .. '</i> - '
output = output .. '<i>' .. type .. '</i>'
if date then
output = output .. '. Retrieved ' .. date
return output
return p