折叠 | |
MT Protection Services | |
产业 | Private security services |
种族 | Human |
总部所在地 | 新巴贝奇, microTech, 斯坦顿星系 |
所属地区 | microTech |
关键人物 | Yann Bostrom Lead Administrator |
创建于 | 公元2891年 |
Parent | microTech |
Allies | 地球联合帝国督导局, microTech |
Rivals | Ruto |
MT Protection Services is microTech' private security force responsible for maintaining law, order, and adherence to company policy in and around microTech (Stanton IV). It is founded in 2891.[1]
In-game description
When the city of New Babbage was first designed, microTech had hoped that they would be able to use advanced monitoring systems combined with automatic response units to handle most security issues that would arise. Unfortunately, as the city flourished so to did criminal elements looking to take advantage of the growing wealth and affluence there. To more efficiently deal with this growing criminal trend, in 2891 MT Protection Services was formed. While they still rely heavily on tech and remote monitoring, MT Protection Services employs a small force of security professionals who are able to deal with matters requiring a more hands on approach.
MT Protection Services enforces the laws in this jurisdiction, which applies within microTech's gravitational sphere of influence and includes its three moons 卡利俄佩, 克利俄, and 欧忒耳佩.
Just like UEE Military and Advocacy agents, local security personnel can require you to submit to identification scans to establish your identity, conduct searches of your person and vessel, and detain you with due cause. Always obey the directives of authorized security personnel.
Mission Givers
MT Protection Services regularly outsources many of it's security missions. MT Protection Services is allied with the 地球联合帝国督导局 and microTech and has a rivalry with Ruto.[1]
Depending on a person's reputation regarding MT Protection Services, there are several partnership levels that can be reached:
Level | Title | Perk |
5 | Legendary Bounty Hunter | 20 % reward increase |
4 | Master Bounty Hunter | 15 % reward increase |
3 | Senior Bounty Hunter | 10 % reward increase |
2 | Mid Level Bounty Hunter | 5 % reward increase |
1 | Junior Bounty Hunter | None |
0 | Applicant | None |
Level | Title | Perk |
5 | Lead Security Contractor | |
4 | Senior Security Contractor | |
3 | Security Contractor | |
2 | Junior Security Contractor | |
1 | Security Contractor Trainee | None |
0 | Applicant | None |