
Jeremiah Lee


Jeremiah Lee

Jeremiah Lee is associate art director[1] for the character team at Cloud Imperium Games.[2][3][4]

Work at CIG

Jeremiah Lee started as character art concept artist, designing clothing for NPCs and player characters alike[5], and is now also in charge of making sure that the quality of characters is up to standards, he assists the character art team and the tech art team, he oversees every armor and every clothing seen in game from concept to implementation.[6]

Other Roles

He has also worked at Legendary Pictures, 15/40 Productions, and musicians such as Kanye West. He conceptualized characters, costumes, creatures, props, key frames, vehicles, environment, and interiors. [7]


  • His favorite movie is Blade Runner.
  • His favorite video game is Mass Effect 2.
  • He is a member of the Fresh Outta Verse cover band, alongside Jared Huckaby.[8]


External Links


  1. Star Citizen Live Gamedev episode with Associate Art Director Jeremiah Lee. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2021-12-12
  2. Meet the Devs: Jeremiah Lee
  3. Star Citizen Live: Beast Armors
  4. Star Citizen Live Gamedev: Gangs of Pyro Concepts
  5. Around the Verse: Episode 1.57 (2015.08.20)
  6. CitizenCon 2949 : Interview with Jeremiah Lee
  7. Jeremiah Lee Artstation profile
  8. Fresh Outta Verse