Eugene Morrow

Character in Star Citizen

文件:Eugene Morrow 2016.PNG
Eugene Morrow
种族 人类
性别 Male
生于 2946 (before)
Actor Stephen Bisland
工作 Chief Engineer
工作地点 UEES Stanton
等级 ?
分队 地球联合帝国海军
服役年份 2946 (before) -

Eugene Morrow is the Chief Engineer of the UEES Stanton in 2946. He appears in 42中队.[1] He is portrayed by Stephen Bisland.[2][3]

Morrow really takes a liking to the Player upon first meeting them in The Morrow Tour,[4] however it has been said that this may not last given the dynamic nature of 42中队's story. He loves to spread gossip and manages to inform the player of private circumstances relating to at least 3 people in the space of a few minutes.[缺乏引证]

He also makes an appearance in the Vertical Slice, informing the player about various things they look at in Engineering.[缺乏引证]


Eugene Morrow.png
Eugene Morrow 2.png


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