

业务范围为运输, 拖运的人类公司
Covalex Shipping

Covalexshipping logo.png
产业运输, 拖运
总部所在地Angeli, 克罗肖星系
关键人物吉尔伯特·马拉贡, CEO
创建于公元2782年; 172年 前 (2782)


科瓦莱什货运 是一家 人类 货物运输公司,由货运承包商 汉索-马洛里梅塞尔王朝末期创办. 其最初以走私活动为主, 科瓦莱什货运在成为地球联合帝国(UEE)的官方跨境货物以及军火线路运输时获得了其合法性,并且在向anti-Messer组织走私运送军火时出名. 现今,它是地球联合帝国(UEE)最大的货运承包商[1]

科瓦莱什货运在地球联合帝国(UEE)拥有强大的影响力,其拥有数十个跨星系的航道使其几乎可以将货物运送到任何一个地方,同时其舰队是宇宙中基数最为庞大的舰队之一。这要功规于其与个人独立的船主签订的合约。科瓦莱什货运发现那些拥有自己的舰船的船东们会更加的为公司工作,他们全心全意的投入工作也相应地带来了更高水平的服务表现。 在大多数的星系之中,大部分时间段中航行的船只大多数都是与科瓦莱什货运签约的船只。






曾几何时Hanso Malloy也是这庞大传送带的一环,其认为必须使用更好的方法去进行货物的运输,如果她可以获得来自官方的货运许可,那她将可以比其竞争对手更加容易地去进行货物走私活动,同时可以更好的去躲避快速通过那些风险巨大的扫描站。但不幸的是,官方每年只会新授权数量极少的营业执照,获得一个营业执照将会是一个花费又贵批准时间又长的苦差事。如果通过常规渠道去获得的话,那将会是几乎是没有任何机会的————但是,对于Hanso Malloy来说,平平无奇的手段从来不会是她的做事风格。 Hanso Malloy认为,如果她想要获得一个营业执照,她就必须寻找一个无人问津但又重要的货物种类来进行运送。那这个货物会是什么呢,这个答案随着一名名叫 Covantino Lexly的农民的出现浮出水面。当 Covantino Lexly要求她走私一船名为硝基钼的肥料倒他定居的地球改造化星球时,她的心中有了主意。Covantino Lexly无望通过正常的贸易渠道去获取他所需要的肥料。因为当时大多运输承包商都拒绝处理具有高度危险性的动物排泄物。尽管其是由于人造土壤的好肥料,但市面上也存在与更便宜,更安全,但是效果不如的替代品。但由于其She figured that if she wanted to acquire one of those licenses she would have to find something to ship that everyone needed but no one wanted to deal with. The answer came to her when a farmer, Covantino Lexly, requested she smuggle in a load of a fertilizer called moly-nitronese to the newly terraformed world where he was settling. He was at his wits end trying to get it through normal trade since most haulers refused to deal with the highly hazardous animal waste derivative. The problem was that though it was a better fertilizer for terraformed soil, there were cheaper, safer, if poor performing, alternatives. The small boost in harvest gain was not worth the Credits it would cost to ship it all the way to the frontier …at least for a normal hauler.

With the Empire eager to encourage the development of these new planets, Hanso saw her opportunity. She sidestepped the TDD licensing board and petitioned the Agriculture Ministry directly for a special license to specifically haul moly-nitronese. She name her company Covalex in honor of the farmer who inspired her. The best part, though, was that the fertilizer was by nature hard to scan through, and very few customs agents were willing to search the horrible stuff by hand. She had not only gotten her license, but she had also found the perfect way to smuggle goods.[2]


With license in hand, Hanso began hauling 'fertilizer' to systems far and wide. Never one to rest on her laurels, she realized that the terms of her license could be applied to sub-contractors as well. Soon conveyors far and wide were paying Hanso to fly her colors. The only rule was they had to carry the moly-nitronese and more importantly, they had to charge a fair price for the goods they were smuggling. She knew that the good will of the people was almost as valuable for the safeguarding of her livelihood as anything else. It was this longsighted vision that soon made a Covalex-flagged ship landing in your town something to be celebrated. These ships heralded the arrival of not only cheap fertilizer (if you were into such a thing) but more importantly, black market goods at a reasonable price.

It wasn't long before the UEE administrators took notice of this positive reputation as well. Their own popularity waning, they were in need of a service provider they could trust to move goods through systems that had grown hostile towards their occupation. Covalex was approached by the Messer government and issued a charter to become an official vendor. Given clear access across all borders and military lines, Covalex ships were soon providing Messer troops with supplies and for the first time officially carrying something beyond fertilizer.

A smuggler at heart, and ever a prudent business woman, Hanso saw that despite this high paying contract, times were changing and the tide was turning against the Messers. She decided to stick to her usual company motto of keep the people happy. Therefore, Covalex ships began to smuggle weapons to rebel forces while providing dry goods to the Navy. Their deliveries in many ways could be attributed with fueling the success of the uprising.

When the revolution finally ended, and the Messers ousted from power, Covalex had firmly established itself as indispensable and a true company of the people; the place to turn to when you really wanted to ensure something got to where you needed it to go. In a short time, Covalex had become so profitable that Hanso decided the company should give up smuggling altogether and focus entirely on transporting legal goods.[2]



Located in the Baker System, Covalex Shipping Hub Xenia not only serves as a major cargo transfer hub for goods heading throughout the Empire, but also houses most of the permanent population in Baker.

Yogi Station

Located in the Oso System, this station is home to both OB Chimera and a Covalex Shipping Hub.[<span title="此说法需要引用可靠的消息来源 (7月 2024)">缺乏引证]


Formerly Covalex's prime shipping hub for the 斯坦顿星系, Gundo suffered a catastrophic accident that resulted in an explosion and the deaths of all the employees aboard the station. Covalex has since moved their operations to 奥里森 directly.


This settlement on 十字军 has a Covalex Shipping Hub.[<span title="此说法需要引用可靠的消息来源 (7月 2024)">缺乏引证]

New Junction

This settlement on Lo has a Covalex Shipping Hub.[<span title="此说法需要引用可靠的消息来源 (7月 2024)">缺乏引证]

Career ranks

Players are able to complete missions for Covalex and earn reputation with the company. The following careers are currently available:[3]

Level Title Perks
2 Runner none
1 Junior Runner none
0 Applicant none


  1. Galactapedia: Covalex Shipping. 银河百科
  2. 2.0 2.1 引证错误:<ref>标签无效;未给name(名称)为ReferenceA的ref(参考)提供文本
  3. Delphi career page. Star Citizen Alpha 3.15.0 - Star Citizen. Retrieved 2021-10-29
