
Comm-Link:A Message from Chris Roberts - 2012-09-17


系列Communications from Chris Roberts
来源A Message from Chris Roberts - 2012-09-17
标题 发布日期
$12 Million! 2013-07-01
$13 Million! 2013-07-05
$15 Million! 2013-08-01
$16 Million! 2013-08-24
$3.5 Million Unlock! 2012-11-14
A Message from Chris Roberts - 2012-09-17 2012-09-17
A Message from Chris Roberts - 2012-10-12 2012-10-12
Chris Roberts Answers Your Questions - 2012-09-24 2012-09-24
Chris Visits Oculus 2012-11-18
$10 Million! 2013-06-10
$22 Million and Hangar Patch Live! - Star Citizen's backers have propelled the project to $22 million in funding! 2013-10-13
$3 Million! - Update from Chris Roberts 2012-11-08
$5.5 Million - On to the Stars! 2012-11-19
A Letter from Chris Roberts 2012-10-18
A Message from Chris Roberts - 2012-09-11 2012-09-11
An Update from Chris Roberts 2012-10-19
From the Chairman - 2012-09-10 2012-09-10
$17 Million! 2013-09-01
$18 Million! 2013-09-06
$19 Million! 2013-09-17
$20 Million! 2013-09-26
$21 Million! 2013-10-08
Letter from the Chairman - 2018-08-03 2018-08-03
Letter from the Chairman - 2018-11-18 2018-11-18
Letter from the Chairman: Hangar Store Launched 2013-08-30
Letter from the Chairman: The Hangar Module 2013-08-23
Letter from the Chairman - $47 Million 2014-06-23
Letter from the Chairman 2013-06-29
Thank You! 2013-07-07
The Pledge The Pledge - and Grace Period 2012-11-20

Hey Everyone!

It’s great to see so many people discover this site.

To think this website only went live last Monday and in one week we’re up to 22,928 members – amazing!

I want you all to know that even though I’m busy working on the prototype I’m going to show next month, I take the time to read the forums every day and listen to what you are all saying.

I can’t promise to include everything you’re talking about, but I think most of you will be happy when you see what I am working on.

So keep up the conversation, participate and watch this space.

Chris Roberts
