
Category:大力神 系列


此类别包含vehicles in Hercules series的pages。





A2 大力神 星际运输船

A2 Starlifter Gallery takeoff.jpg
A2 大力神 星际运输船是一艘由十字军工业制造的军用重型炮艇及轰炸机。A2 大力神炮艇现被用于毁灭性空中突袭,搜寻并救援任务,以及登陆作战行动。拥有比M2高两倍的火力,以及一个客制化投弹仓,其有效载荷令人叹为观止,A2能够满足任何人带着大量货物穿梭于潜在危险领空的需求。
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules A2 in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules A2 in space - Above.jpg
Hercules A2 in space - Port.jpg
Hercules A2 in space - Front.jpg
Hercules A2 in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules A2 in space - Below.jpg

C2 大力神 星际运输船

C2 Feature Style clouds.jpg
C2 大力神 星际运输船十字军工业制造的民用重型运输机。通过使用军用级别的大力神机架,在几乎没有牺牲火力的情况下扩大了货物装载量,C2也早已风靡各个私营企业。它已经成为了比赛团队,船舰经销商以及制造商,建筑企业,矿业公司,甚至大规模旅游娱乐行业的行业标配.[1]
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules C2 in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules C2 in space - Above.jpg
Hercules C2 in space - Port.jpg
Hercules C2 in space - Front.jpg
Hercules C2 in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules C2 in space - Below.jpg

M2 大力神 星际运输船

M2 Gallery Fly Front.jpg
M2 大力神 星际运输船 (外号: "Mama Bird") 是一艘能提供战术登陆行动(举例:希望之剑)的多样化军用运输载具。它由十字军工业所制造,是UEE的首选战术星际运输船。这艘船强而有力地结合了装载能力,机动能力,以及耐用性三者,使它成为在大规模运输中最显而易见的选择,充沛的火力能够确保你的货物以及船员平安无事的到达目的地。
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules M2 in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules M2 in space - Above.jpg
Hercules M2 in space - Port.jpg
Hercules M2 in space - Front.jpg
Hercules M2 in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules M2 in space - Below.jpg




Colour description Store description Price (aUEC) Price ($)
银色的银灰色迷彩和灰色强调色 金属银饰面让“Argent”涂装成为一个亮眼的大力神星际运输船涂装选择 [非卖品] 16.00
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules C2 Argent in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules C2 Argent in space - Above.jpg
Hercules C2 Argent in space - Port.jpg
Hercules C2 Argent in space - Front.jpg
Hercules C2 Argent in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules C2 Argent in space - Below.jpg

"Best In Show 2951"

Colour description Store description Price (aUEC) Price ($)
金属蓝与深灰强调色。 Celebrate the Crusader C2 Hercules and honor its place in the 2951 Ship Showdown winner’s circle, as well as the annals of aerospace history, with an extremely limited blue and black Best in Show paint scheme.

Limited edition. Reward to Hercules C2 owners during the IAE 2951 event.

[not available] (Reward)
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules C2 BIS2951 in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules C2 BIS2951 in space - Above.jpg
Hercules C2 BIS2951 in space - Port.jpg
Hercules C2 BIS2951 in space - Front.jpg
Hercules C2 BIS2951 in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules C2 BIS2951 in space - Below.jpg


Colour description Store description Price (aUEC) Price ($)
Dark grey colour with a dark blue sheen coming off it at certain angles of light and dark grey accents. Let your Hercules Starlifter become one with vast, black expanse of space with the Cerberus paint scheme. [not available] 11.50
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules C2 Cerberus in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules C2 Cerberus in space - Above.jpg
Hercules C2 Cerberus in space - Port.jpg
Hercules C2 Cerberus in space - Front.jpg
Hercules C2 Cerberus in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules C2 Cerberus in space - Below.jpg


Colour description Store description Price (aUEC) Price ($)
Goldish colour with dark grey & tan accents. Customize your Hercules Starlifter with the exquisite Draco livery that’s gold with black highlights. [not available] 11.50
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules C2 Draco in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules C2 Draco in space - Above.jpg
Hercules C2 Draco in space - Port.jpg
Hercules C2 Draco in space - Front.jpg
Hercules C2 Draco in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules C2 Draco in space - Below.jpg


Colour description Store description Price (aUEC) Price ($)
Green camo colour with grey and green accents A woodland camo inspired design distinguishes the Dryad paint scheme from other options for the Hercules Starlifter. [not available] 16.00
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules C2 Dryad in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules C2 Dryad in space - Above.jpg
Hercules C2 Dryad in space - Port.jpg
Hercules C2 Dryad in space - Front.jpg
Hercules C2 Dryad in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules C2 Dryad in space - Below.jpg


Colour description Store description Price (aUEC) Price ($)
Blueish white colour with grey/black camo pattern and dark grey accents. Soar like the winter winds with the Frostbite Camo paint scheme for your Hercules Starlifter. [not available] 16.00
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules C2 Frostbite in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules C2 Frostbite in space - Above.jpg
Hercules C2 Frostbite in space - Port.jpg
Hercules C2 Frostbite in space - Front.jpg
Hercules C2 Frostbite in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules C2 Frostbite in space - Below.jpg

"Invictus Blue & Gold"

Colour description Store description Price (aUEC) Price ($)
Blue colour with dark grey & gold accents and a Invictus logo. Featuring a vibrant blue base color and gold highlights, the Invictus Blue and Gold paint scheme will give your Hercules Starlifter a striking style.

Limited sale. Only available only during the annual Invictus event.

[not available] 16.00
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules C2 Invictus BG in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules C2 Invictus BG in space - Above.jpg
Hercules C2 Invictus BG in space - Port.jpg
Hercules C2 Invictus BG in space - Front.jpg
Hercules C2 Invictus BG in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules C2 Invictus BG in space - Below.jpg


Colour description Store description Price (aUEC) Price ($)
Metallic silver colour with grey accents. The Meridian paint scheme gives the Hercules a simple yet stylish metallic silver finish.

Limited sale. Only available during the annual Pirate week event. [2]

[not available] 13.00


Colour description Store description Price (aUEC) Price ($)
Pale green colour with grey and light grey accents. The Sylvan paint scheme for the Hercules Starlifter is a distinct, no-nonsense matte green with light grey accents. [not available] 11.50
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules C2 Sylvan in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules C2 Sylvan in space - Above.jpg
Hercules C2 Sylvan in space - Port.jpg
Hercules C2 Sylvan in space - Front.jpg
Hercules C2 Sylvan in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules C2 Sylvan in space - Below.jpg


Colour description Store description Price (aUEC) Price ($)
Olive green colour with dark grey & orange accents. Customize your Hercules Starlifter with the Timberline paint scheme that’s olive green with orange accents. [not available] 11.50
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Hercules C2 Timberline in space - Isometric.jpg
Hercules C2 Timberline in space - Above.jpg
Hercules C2 Timberline in space - Port.jpg
Hercules C2 Timberline in space - Front.jpg
Hercules C2 Timberline in space - Rear.jpg
Hercules C2 Timberline in space - Below.jpg

See Also

  1. C2 Hercules Starlifter - Ship Page. Pledge Store
  2. Pirate Week 2023. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2023-09-29

