Yori Co

Character in Star Citizen

Yori Co
種族 Human
角色 Senator (CGreenEllis Sys)
勢力 UEE
身份地位 UEE Citizen
官職 Senator
在職年份 2944 (before) - Present
黨派 Centralist
選區 Green
星系 Ellis

Senator Yori Co (CGreenEllis Sys) serves on the Subcommittee on Commerce & Trade.[1]

Known for introducing what is characterized by some as the xenophobic "Amendment 27" (to the bill SA-43 of the 396th UEE Congress), which proposed restricting Senatorial voting rights to members of the human species shortly after Tevarin Suj Kossi was elected as the first non-human Senator in the UEE's history.[2]

Opposed, or sought to limit, the business certificate for Xi'an run CTR franchises.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Comm-Link:Congress Now - 2944-01-21. 通訊鏈接
  2. 15339 Congress Now. 通訊鏈接

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