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UEES Hammerhead (PCG-3748) is the lead ship and the first production model of the Aegis 锤头鲨-class patrol ship. It was transferred to the United Empire of Earth Navy on 2773-08-09 in a commissioning ceremony at MacArthur in the Kilian System. It was one of the six Hammerheads allocated to the Fifth Fleet to serve as a proof-of-concept for newly developed carrier warfare doctrine. In 2775, a 剜度氏族 raiding squadron including the original Hammerheads encountered a skirmisher group. Eight Vanduul ships were repulsed without ever entering the visual range of the battle group's flagship. Six Scythes were shot down and two forced to escape.[1]
- The UEE Military chose to name the initial wave (Flight I) of Hammerheads after sea life from around the Empire.