
Samuel Messer

Character in Star Citizen

Samuel Messer
Samuel Messer VIII
種族 人類
性別 Male
生於 2678
死於 2715
角色 Eighth 地球聯合帝國皇帝 of the 地球聯合帝國
勢力 UEE
官職 地球聯合帝國皇帝
在職年份 2697 / 2701 - 2715
黨派 Messer Regime
選區 地球聯合帝國

Samuel Messer VIII (*2678; +2715) was eighth Imperator of the 地球聯合帝國.[1][2] After the death of Illyana he was proclaimed Imperator in 2697 but was deposed by his cousin Astrid Messer in the same year. After an ongoing civil war for 4 years, Astrid was murdered in 2701 made Samuel the uncontested Imperator.


Samuel Messer was the son of Illyana Messer, and brother of Galor Messer. His mother, Imperator Illyana Messer named him as her successor in 2679, age 1.[3][4] He replaced his elder brother Galor who was expected to die soon due a chronic illness.

Illyana died of a sudden stroke in 2697. For reasons not known yet, her aunt Astrid Messer, grandaugther of Corsen Messer V seized power for her own. In the following struggle for the throne, Agents loyal to Illyana smuggled Samuel away from 地球 before he could be assassinated. Astrid devoted much military resources to locating him, but ended up being assassinated by Samuel's agents in 2701, at which time Samuel ascended to become Imperator.[5]


The appearing Vanduul threat in the "West" was largely overlooked by him and his regime. Vanduul raiders invaded 獵戶座, Tiber, and Virgil. In 2712, a Vanduul clan defeated the UEE fleet, bombarded Orion III and harvested the entire system.

Notorious for his penchant for brutality, he was assassinated in 2715, stabbed to death in bed.[6] His sickly older brother Galor Messer ascends to become Messer IX amidst much controversy and concern that he is in no condition to run the empire.

"The new Imperator took the Vanduul threat even less seriously and seemed to be much more interested in using his newfound power to torment an already subjugated population into further submission.[3]"


  1. Galactapedia: Samuel Messer VIII. 銀河百科. Retrieved 2022-05-14
  2. According to the Galactapedia Samuel was ruler "from 2697 to 2715" and just "some historians date his rule from 2701", due to the 4 year war against Astrid Messer.
  3. 3.0 3.1 This Day in History: The First Step Back. 通訊鏈接
  4. According To This Day in History, he was named successor of Illyana 2679. This date collides with the later written Galactapedia article, which claims he ascended to the throne in 2678.
  5. Galactapedia: Astrid Messer VII. 銀河百科
  6. Galactapedia: Galor Messer IX. 銀河百科
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