

業務範圍為hangar Manufacturing的人類公司

產業Hangar Manufacturing
產品Spacecraft hangars
總部所在地Vann, Croshaw III, Croshaw
創建者Peter Weathermen
創建於公元2850年; 105年 前 (2850) (approx.)

SELF-LAND is a budget hangar manufacturer. Incorporated by Peter Weathermen, a wealthy guild licensed shipper who made his living on the active spacelanes, SELF-LAND hangars have become an ever-present reminder of just how easy it is for 人類 to travel the stars. The corporation was founded on the philosophy that the temporary hangars available to transiting pilots were inaccessible, inaffordable and most importantly unsafe. (Weathermen began developing the company after he was jumped by a gang of dock-thugs who stripped his 星際遠航者 to the hull plating.)


Starting in the mid-29th century, SELF-LAND began a franchising-based expansion across the Human-inhabited galaxy. The first SELF-LAND was established by Weathermen on Vann in the Croshaw System. Seemingly overnight, the company had expanded to a dozen worlds... and then a hundred. Today, the SELF-LAND corporation boasts that they maintain at least one facility on every world in the 地球聯合帝國, with some planets (Terra chief among them) having as many as sixty different complexes. SELF-LAND hangars are fully modular and environmentally controlled. Prefabricated out of the most available common metals, they aren't necessarily attractive to look at … but they are comfortable and familiar. The SELF-LAND experience on a colony world near 剜度氏族 space is exactly the same as that available to a pilot berthing on Earth. The SELF-LAND corporation takes care of everything, from structure design to land titles. Because of their design, the same hangar type can be used in configurations ranging from skyscraping heights, to the breadth of a plain, to stacked underground, or to honeycombed deep within asteroids.[1]


  1. Galactic Guide: Hangar Manufacturers. 通訊連結

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