

Character in Star Citizen

角色 Private Contractor
勢力 Outlaw
Actor Ortwin Freyermuth (hologram)
住所 Private Contractor
工作地點 六角灣 (hologram)

Ruto is the pseudonym of a no-questions-asked private contractor with ties to Stanton's pirate gangs including 九尾. He is one of the best known info brokers in Stanton. His the true identity remains a complete mystery, as 'he' only deals via a video terminal in a back-room on 六角灣 that spoofs the face of former 地球聯合帝國皇帝 Kelos Costigan, due to their immense dislike for him.

Ruto manages a vast network of criminal activity, connections, and knowledge for clients such as the 九尾. Certain immature quips made by Ruto however imply he/she may not be that old.[1]


Ruto is one of the first two Mission Givers added in Alpha 3.0 along with Miles Eckhart, and his hologram display is the first in-game use of render-to-texture functionality in Star Citizen. While Ruto was not initially functional as a Mission Giver due to unforeseen issues, his missions can be unlocked as of 3.1 by gaining a reputation from other missions. He is portrayed by Ortwin Freyermuth.[2]


Ruto can provide the player with some missions. He is allied with the 九尾 and has a rivalry with the 地球聯合帝國督導局 and Vaughn.[1]


Ruto hologram.png
Ortwin Freyermuth with his in-game character.jpg
Anti-Kelos Costigan Poster - 1.png
Anti-Kelos Costigan Poster - 2.png
Anti-Kelos Costigan Poster - 3.png
Anti-Kelos Costigan Poster - 4.png


  1. 1.0 1.1 In-game survey in Alpha 3.13
  2. Citation needed.
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