
Rowena Dulli

Character in Star Citizen

Rowena Dulli - 3.16.1.jpg
Rowena Dulli
種族 人類
性別 Female
生於 2950 (before)
角色 Special Agent In Charge
勢力 Advocacy
Actor Anna Demetriou

Rowena Dulli is a special agent working for the 地球聯合帝國督導局. She also serves as the official attaché to the 民事防禦部隊 (CDF).[1] During the 2951 異種威脅 crisis she served as the point of contact for the civilian counter-operation. She is portrayed by Anna Demetriou.[2]


She was born and raised in 奧里森 and served with distinction in the 地球聯合帝國海軍 as a logistics officer until she was recruited by the Marines where she served another tour. Since joining the Advocacy, she has quickly risen through the ranks as a proven investigator and field agent. She volunteered to take over as Advocacy attaché to the CDF in 2948 and believes that the CDF is a vital part of the UEE and is proud to assist in their efforts.[3]


File:IAE 2952 Day 10 - BIS - CDF Tribute Rowena Dulli 1.jpg
File:IAE 2952 Day 10 - BIS - CDF Tribute Rowena Dulli 2.jpg


  1. Alpha 3.12.1 in-game mission briefing
  2. Youtube, 2021-03-03 "I play SAIC Rowena Dulli in Star Citizen!", accessed 2021-09-14
  3. Comm Link: Assault on Stanton. 通訊鏈接. Retrieved 2021-02-05
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