
Randall Graves

Character in Star Citizen

Randall Graves.png
Randall Graves
種族 人類
性別 Male
生於 2946 (before)
勢力 UEE
Actor John Rhys-Davies
僱主 舒賓星際
工作 Chief of Security
工作地點 Archon Base
分隊 地球聯合帝國海軍
單位 Squadron 118

Randall Graves is the chief of security aboard the Archon Base and an 地球聯合帝國海軍 veteran. He served on the UEES Chimera (CVE-35) and was assigned to the 153rd Attack Squadron 'Red Raiders' and Squadron 118 (2nd Fleet) of the UEE Navy. He served in Squadron 118 alongside Steve Colton. He is portrayed by John Rhys-Davies.

Costume for Graves from "ATV - Scanners Aglow, Torpedoes in Tow."


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