
Puglisi Collection Vanduul Scythe Armor



Puglisi Collection Vanduul Scythe Armor
ObtainmentCenturion or Imperator Subscription
Retroactive Price$5.00
ReleasedMarch 2945 (2015)
AttachmentFloor S1-2, Floor S1-4

The Puglisi Collection is excited to announce the second in their line of artifacts – a piece of armored plating off a 剜度氏族 死鐮! Following the discovery of X12, a Vanduul carrier-ship found dead in space off Garron, the 地球聯合帝國 sold most of the Scythe fleet found onboard. We have come into possession of one of those Scythes and are looking to share this history with you. Everyone in the UEE is familiar with the Scythe's iconic image but few have seen it in person. Now you can own a piece of one. Each expertly crafted piece of plating is unique in design, so get yours now and own piece of history today![1]

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