Puglisi Collection Kamposi Magnus Skull



Puglisi Collection Kamposi Magnus Skull
ObtainmentCenturion or Imperator Subscription
Retroactive Price$5.00
ReleasedNovember 2945 (2015)
AttachmentFloor S1-2, Floor S1-4

The Puglisi Collection is proud to announce the 4th in their line of artifacts- the Kamposi Magnus skull, a recreation of the most complete Kamposi Magnus skull ever found.

An aquatic predator that hunted the ocean depths on Ellis IV, the Kamposi Magnus could grow to up to 12m in size and fed on both plants and animals.

Kamposi Magnus are known in academic circles as the "lords of the deep" and are the name the Governors Council of Ellis IV chose when the planet was recognized by the Senate. These large aquatic omnivores lived approximately 500,000 SEY ago and represented the pinnacle of the food chain in their environment. Our recreation artists worked tirelessly with prominent xenobiologists to sculpt an exact replica of this intimidating yet majestic creature.[1]



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