PAB-1 Arms


PAB-1 Arms.png
PAB-1 Arms
Manufacturer 卡拉克防禦系統 (CDS)
Class Light Armor
Type Arms
UEC Cost 470
Armor 20% Reduction

Clark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile.

Armor components

Set name Undersuit Helmet Core Backpack Arms Legs
PAB-1 TCS-4 Undersuit CBH-3 Helmet PAB-1 Core CSP-68L Backpack PAB-1 Arms PAB-1 Legs

PAB-1 Arms is sold at the following locations as of Alpha 3.3.7:

Shop Price Color
Garrity Defense, Port Olisar 470 Olive
Tanmany and Sons, Lorville 470 Olive

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