

Astronomical body that orbits a planet or minor planet

The moons of the planet microTech: 卡利俄佩, 克利俄, and 歐忒耳佩

Moon (or natural satellite) is an astronomical body that orbits a planet or minor planet. There is no established lower limit on what is considered a "moon". Every natural celestial body with an identified orbit around a planet of the Solar system, some as small as a kilometer across, has been considered a moon, though objects a tenth that size within Saturn's rings, which have not been directly observed, have been called moonlets. The upper limit is also vague. Two orbiting bodies are sometimes described as a double planet rather than primary and satellite.[1]


In 星際公民, moons are quantum destinations just like planets. They have their own orbital markers and most of the time, surface locations. Travel to a moon almost always requires travel to its parent planet first. This can be circumvented if a ship exits quantum travel within a reasonable distance of the planet; usually within the orbit of the planets furthest orbital body.


Unlike planets, moons in Star Citizen are generally classified as uninhabitable or habitable. While a moon's composition and gravity varies greatly, temperature is somewhat reliant on the parent planets location from its sun and solar characteristics.

Travel Dangers and Threats

Because of the wildly varying composition of moons surrounding their parent planets, travel to them can be dangerous at times. Hazards such as low gravity, extreme temperatures, dangerous weather systems, debris fields, and asteroids belts should be accounted for before planning a trip.


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