
Micah Zahir

Character in Star Citizen

Micah Zahir
種族 人類
性別 Male
生於 公元2460年; 495年 前 (2460) on Vann, 克羅肖星系
死於 公元2577年; 378年 前 (2577) on Selene, 維加星系
角色 Discoverer of the Oretani system
勢力 UNE

Micah Zahir (2460 - 2577) was an independent resource surveyor and landowner most notable for discovering the Oretani system in 2481. Born on Vann (克羅肖星系), Zahir migrated to Asura (費隆星系) in 2480 to work as a mining scan operator. When he was unable to find employment, Zahir signed on as an escort for supply convoys[1].

Zahir picked up a strange signal during one of these supply runs that he logged to investigate at a later time. When he returned alone to the area, he undertook a thorough search and discovered the jump point to the Oretani system. He named it after his favorite ship from the 2464 vid Blast Crater, and used the reward money from the 地球聯合國 (UNE) to purchase real estate on Selene (維加星系). At the time of his death in 2577, he was one of the largest landowners in the Vega system[1].


  1. 移至: 1.0 1.1 Galactapedia: Micah Zahir. 銀河百科. Retrieved 2023-02-01
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