
Luminalia gift

Consumer Goods commodity
Luminalia Gift BoxInv Icon Holiday Box.svg
類型Consumer Goods
體積1000 mSCU
基礎價格500 aUEC

A small, wrapped package meant to get you in the 光燈節 spirit. 巴努 merchants celebrating the holiday used to hide small gifts aboard their ship to encourage revelers to explore all their wares.

As the holiday grew in popularity within the 地球聯合帝國, Human merchants modified this tradition by hiding empty gift-wrapped packages around a space station or landing zone that could be exchanged for credits if returned unopened.

The increased foot traffic into their stores spurned holiday sales and became a tradition in its own right.[1]

"Stow this gift for sentimental value, or sell it at a commodities terminal and spend the credits on a holiday gift for yourself."
In-game tip.


On 2021-12-13, CIG reduced the value of the gift boxes from 1,000 aUEC to 250 aUEC, presumably to counter the fact that many players were farming the boxes in lieu of taking on riskier and more time-consuming tasks in the game.

By 2022-02-01, the price was raised to 500 aUEC.


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