Lightning Bolt Co.

業務範圍為weapons manufacturing的人類公司

Lightning Bolt Co.
產業Weapons manufacturing
總部所在地Odyssa, Magnus
創建者Irina Arkadova
創建於公元2921年; 33年 前 (2921)

Lightning Bolt Co. is a personal weapon manufacturer that was founded by Irina Arkadova, the CEO of a private military company. It is focused on the manufacture of energy weapons for security personnel[1][2]


Arkadova decided to start producing energy weapons after a failure in her laser rifle left her unarmed in the middle of an intense firefight. She was helped by the technical expertise of Biagio Bhandari, a former Drake Interplanetary engineer and the capital of fellow contractors. Arkadova used her field expertise and that of fellow mercenaries to devise weapons focused for security operators. The Mayak electron cannon and the Atzkav sniper rifle were Lightning Bolt's first successful products.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Portfolio: Lightning Bolt Company"
  2. "Star Citizen Road Map." Robert Space Industries, Cloud Imperium Rights, 2020-01-31

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