
Julian Wexler

Character in Star Citizen

Julian Wexler Trailer.png
Julian Wexler
種族 人類
性別 Male
角色 Director of Archon Facilities
勢力 UEE
Actor Ben Mendelsohn
住所 Director of Archon Facilities
雇主 舒賓星際

Julian Wexler is the director of Archon facilities. He is portrayed by Ben Mendelsohn.

Julian Wexler started his career under the tutelage of Bill Erickson at the Stanton Office. After Erickson's resignation 3 years ago, Julian was transferred to the Archon Base where he has been using his unique managerial skills to help revitalize the station. We look forward to seeing what Julian will accomplish with his next ten years! [1]

He appears in Squadron 42.[2][3]


  • Ben Mendelsohn, who portrays Julian Wexler, also played in Rogue One and Farscape among others.


Julian Wexler.png


  1. Comm-Link:Mining Rocks - August 2945 from 2015-08-12. 通訊鏈接
  2. Squadron 42 Vertical Slice Gameplay Demo from 2017-12-22.
  3. Star Citizen: Around the Verse - Secondary Viewports (Min. 10:26f.) from 2017-08-03

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