Joker Engineering

業務範圍為weapons manufacture的Human公司

File:Joker Engineering logo.svg
Joker Engineering
產業Weapons manufacture
產品Novelty weapons
總部所在地ArcCorp, Stanton
所屬地區United Empire of Earth
創建者Barlowe Elias

Joker Engineering is a Human manufacturer of novelty spacecraft weapons and components. Founded by eccentric engineer Barlowe Elias, the company’s key interest is designing alternative weapons with unlikely applications that defy the usual missile-or-gun classification. Their unusual products are sometimes utilized by criminals because of their unconventional warfare applications, particularly the Beacon Bomb, an explosive shell that emits a simulated distress call.[1][2]




  1. Galactapedia: Joker Engineering. 銀河百科. Retrieved 2021-02-24
  2. Writer's Guide: Part Four. 通訊鏈接

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