Janna Thurville

Character in Star Citizen

Janna Thurville
種族 Human
性別 Female
角色 Senator (T-Severus-Kiel Sys)
勢力 UEE
身份地位 UEE Citizen
官職 Senator
在職年份 2947 (before) - Present
黨派 Transitionalist
選區 Severus
星系 Kiel

Janna Thurville (T-Severus-Kiel Sys) is the first elected and current Senator of Severus.[1]


Thurville is the daughter of (Ex-)Governor and predecessor Tzur (2903-?). Her family resides on the planet, since Tzur's great grandmother decided to stay on the planet.[2]


  1. Congress Now - Torral Aggregate Testimony. 通訊連結
  2. Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy: Kiel System (2017-03-08); Relay.sc Transcript - Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy: Kiel System (2017-03-08), acc. 2017-11-20.

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