
Illyana Messer

Character in Star Citizen

Illyana Messer
Illyana Messer
種族 人類
性別 Female
生於 2662 (before)
死於 2697
角色 Sixth 地球聯合帝國皇帝 of the 地球聯合帝國
勢力 UEE
官職 地球聯合帝國皇帝
在職年份 2662 - 2697
黨派 Messer Regime
選區 地球聯合帝國

Illyana Messer or Messer VI was the 6th Imperator of the UEE.

She named her youngest son, Samuel, as her successor in 2697.[1] Is mentioned in the history of Leir Galactic Guide that she tried to consolidating her power in 2677 and so did not commit resources to developing the system.[2]

Illyana supposedly assassinated her father Corsen in 2662,.[3]

She died in 2697 of a sudden stroke.[4]


  1. This Day in History: The First Step Back. 通訊連結
  2. Galactic Guide: Leir System Mya, Jump Point, vol. 04, no. 10, p. 52.
  3. Loremaker's Guide To The Galaxy: Leir System. 通訊連結
  4. Galactapedia: Astrid Messer VII. 銀河百科
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